Estoc sucks this week

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Perseverance_Reborn, Dec 8, 2012.

  1. Lag is worst ever, match ups pathetic, 46 active vs 75 active, give me a break that's not anywhere close to an even or fun fight. Maybe should have spent more time on perfecting the servers/match up. Not improved splash screens, and new items that as far as I can see are not anything special-- like they were all hyped up to be. Think my KAW days are numbered once again
  2. Tell your clan to let me regen!  
  3. Well, I would like to see you doing the devs job. It's not easy. Everyone just blames the devs. They have a lot to do! Give them credit for why they have been doing.

  4. I restarted KaW and lag is gone now
  5. Are match up is tough too :( more fun if u come from behind tho. CoA all the way!!!!!
  6. Dude I'm watching my friends clan get beat up by a clan who's true owner was trained by me before I reset it fun
  7. Lol! You didn't train anyone courage. And you reset to get a new start. Don't lie silly boy.
  8. ༺Á̸P☣Ć̸Ạ̸Ł༒ཾPṨ̸Ξ༻ respect to the brothers but also respect to my old friends Resilience!
  9. Acuatlly I did train people before when my name was justice after that I just tried to piss the world off
  10. And my spelling getting worse I guess being suspended from school really does mess with how well you spell
  11. You tried to piss off the world as justice too. ;)
  12. Again towards the end after my clan was ruined by tommyboneface I turned into the ultimate idiot
  13. The Devs match ups up until today have been decent, but they severely drop the ball this week. Seems pointless to war till they get there act together....
  14. Notice how ppl losing are crying lag does seem to be getting in other clans way 
  15. One loosing would require actually hitting in the war ... Thoughtless post
  16. Thoughtless?
  17. Perse your post makes no sense
  18. Think before you speak The One .. No one is crying, we are simply speaking facts about the match ups.
  19. One nobody is crying and if you'd open ur eyes an look around Kaw everybody is having matchup an lag problems. Just FYI