Estoc Levels?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by GriMzZy_TDT, May 14, 2013.

  1. Hey guys what does Estoc Rancor trials level 4 mean? Does it makes me stronger?
  2. If This gets answered

  3. It means at the end of the season; if the spell doesn't expire before then, you will get rewarded 1 free piece of equipment courtesy of the devs
  4. Estoc levels provide a percentage bonus for cash and eq drop rates!
  5. How do you get an estoc? :|
  6. It's war that's how ex.. Talking in 3rd person :lol: (fun fact)
  7. Do you mean Estocs Edge, or, Rancor level?
  8. You have to war to get it first right. That's what I think I remember before I left KAW. Bk nw
  9. Ok Thnks. I have 339 Hours left :) ;) :roll:
  10. From my understanding; you will not get the equipment, rather you will have a ability to purchase it, with mith.
  11. Level 4?
    My level IS OVER 9000!!!!
  12. As long as I partipate do I get a edge/level?

    I need an EE clan the xD
  13. "Partipate" isn't a word, so no, you don't get a level by doing something that isn't a word.
  14. *Participate*

  15. Your clan will gain an edge of sorts from your participation in the war. I'm not saying your clan will gain the edge, I'm saying that it is a contributing factor to your clan gaining an edge during a war.
  16. Wait do you get "Free" Equip

    Or do you have to buy?
  17. Baby, you can equip me ;)

    Free of charge ;)