estoc level 50, items and rewards

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Cenn, May 31, 2013.

  1. Hi guys,

    There seems to be a lot of arguing over the past week about what is an acceptable rewards for reaching level 50 in rancour points.

    Let me first point out I wasn't 1 of the lucky souls to reach 50. I ended up scraping together 25, but this didn't detract from my enjoyment of the season as a whole. I had fun, met new people and it seemed to create a whole new warring community and for that reason I thought the season was a success.

    The items we were to receive, for me, was an added bonus. I was happy with the greaves, boots and helm and I thought a lot of the complaining was un-called for. However as we all now know, the item order has changed, meaning the 25 points I have now entitles me to some great equipment.

    On a personal note I'm delighted, but I can see the reason why the devs have decided on the change, this curbs the BFE gulf. However, I do think there should be an additional reward for anyone who hit 50 points. So I have listed some possible ideas below.

    1. A personal achievement bonus

    This shouldn't be too hard to implement, only warriors who have reached 50 points would be eligible. Bonus could be in the form of % increase, or the much fabled plunder increase.

    2. A mith sweetener.

    An added 100 or so mith to help enchant the new equip. Bit of a lame reward, but at least it's a gesture and would acknowledge the achievement.

    3. Fully enchanted items.

    The 6 pieces would already be fully enchanted, might be a bit of an excessive reward but maybe all items at level 5, or at least something that sets them apart. Devs did this for naming rewards for earlier pieces so we know it can be done.

    4. Plunder bonus on ring

    The plunder bonus will surely be used one day, as it seems its already been coded into the game. Why not now?

    5. Reward for owning all 12 'purple' equip

    Release details that if anyone owns all 12 purple pieces they'll get a special reward, this will encourage the 'disgruntled' 50 points brigade to participate next season as well.

    Thanks for reading
  2. #5 is the best idea and is the most likely to be implemented. SUPPORT
  3. Killua, thanks for contributing to the threads on this rancor issue. Your well-written posts are WAY better than OP's idea's.

    Ugh, idiot.

    Support OP, those players who did reach level 50 should be getting some kind of special reward.
  4. Support 4 and 5!
  5. Wouldnt mind number 2 either
  6. I see where you are coming from. I think they are good ideas but I'm not supporting for the following reason. Many r50 are complaining that the ring is inadequate compensation. The irony is that regardless of which order the items are dispensed, they get the SAME 6 items. The only reason they are complaining is to prevent lower rancour players from gaining ANY benefit. So NO, I don't think they should be rewarded for bad behavior - certainly not for whining and being anti-social. As it is, they are getting the max achievement badge. Also, devs have relented so that the high tier rancour items hv an awesome 15% advantage over RP. Seriously if these are not enough, I don't know what.
  7. Support 4 and 5
  8. Thats a bit much. They've already changed the awards once for the better, asking for more is not the way to go about it.
  9. perhaps consider making the ring a permanent item that you dont fave to equip or enchant.
  10. Nope - lets be clear: if you get to Level 50 it's likely because you warred all the time AND were in a specialized EE clan. There is little to no chance you're not going to war again this coming season.
  11. What ever you say,i will quit warring cause this crap itemwaste my time n money..good job devs..
  12. Sorry but no support
    This would just add more to unbalance future wars and least to more mismatches with stacked clans destroying everyone else.
    Devs already conceded too much because of crying anymore is just another step way too far
  13. How much is going to be enough? Many players with 50 rancor points are at EE lvl 5 which is about yo be bumped to lvl 8..that's awesome in itself..face it..the devs aren't going to dish out invincible equipment to you all that will fill that void in your life to make you whole again ...let's get our rewards and put this season behind us and get ready for season 2..whenever that is
  14. Sorryv, no support Cenn,

    This would lead to more stacked clans like Warlor HH, RCA, SOTRA, ect becaause everybody would have even more of an incentive yo get to lvl 50
  15. No support.
    I do agree with AntiCancer tho. I do understand a little disappointment but not really.

    When the summer war items were released they came out with the best first. Followed by Second best and then the worst. Hey guys guess what the worst is? A RING! Yet I can not recall near this much whining as when that happened. So you know what? Get over it.
