Equipment: what esb to get them from???

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Hi99, Nov 4, 2013.

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  1. Hi I was just wondering what equipment there is and what ebs you and get them from. If someone could make a list of all equip and all abs where you get each one from thay would be very helpfull to me and many other people. Thanks in advance!!!
  2. When you open forums open up the topics tab then open up the strategy tab and then the EB guide by Wulf, it lists all EBs and the equipment dropped by them.
  3. Check wulfs thread in the strategy section. It tells you how to do the ebs and what drops from them. Also some other information that might be helpful for you
  4. Thanks guys that was very helpful:):):):) cheers
  5. Thanks guys that was very helpful:):):):) cheers
  6. Its past your bedtime hi99 go to bed

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