I propose to have an option to give/sell our equipment we don't need anymore or to sell it for good money Example ... if i have 3 hands ...to be able to share 1 of this equipment with smaller alts or players ( friends ) the equipment you don't need but it's very good for smaller players
I like the idea of dismantling equips that you don't need anymore for either Aqua/inferno or silver bars
I don't support giving old eq to players, but I say that you should be able to gift them to devs for nothing in return
Dismantling or disenchanting old equipment for aqua and inferno sounds good but silver bars are a no go. Don't need free gold for everything.
It would also be nice to swap some of these banner parts for something more useful once the banner has been maxed
What would you sell it for? What would you trade it for? Would there be an equipment market? Think of these sorta things and answers to them BEOFRE you make a suggestion thread.
No support if we could do this noobs would blow up WC and walls asking" can I have your sting point?" Or "can I have your black cat helmet?" Or anything else this plan could back fire so fast it ain't funny. with that said I will not show support because the last thing we need is more begging noobs and or accidental disenchantments
No support. I can aleready see the statless in wars with awesome bfe from main accounts... That S1/S2/S3/S4 equip we not use anymore.