Equipment stats increase

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by llSIIPll-L0K3Y-IISllPII, Feb 1, 2017.

  1. Zelgarad Enhanced which ran between Orisons part 1 & part 2 dropped equipment from daily chests. Shoulders of Clan's Pride has been asked and commented on numerous times asking if it will get stat increase. Is being considered or ignored???
  2. That eb is dead, you can't play and not get equipment unless you exclusively attack players

    What we get today is garbage by the time you equip it

    Devs are going for a world of warcraft style of equipment drops

    Don't focus on just one piece of junk because there is more junk coming out next week
  3. Devs pm me and said it doesn't count in the boosts . Only orison event related items
  4. I'm really getting frustrated that there has still not been any response to continuing pleas to acknowledge the desired increased stats on Shoulders of Clan's Pride. why won't anyone make a statement as to their intentions?
  5. I'm curious why Devs pm you about this yet 2 mods I'm in contact with and over a dozen requests made in forums and none of us has heard any official statement. You must be real important
  6. Try to get a response through feedback. They usually answer there.
  7. I got Charlie on my wall 3 times

  8. Um I can't speak on how important I am :lol: but I was definitely in contact with them and only told y'all what I was told....

    And if your read their post you would know that this is accurate. If I could remember or be bothered to post ss I would.