Equipment Resets

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Albert, Mar 27, 2013.

  1. Two questions:

    1) My greaves have reset 7 times now, what am I doing wrong?? 0.O

    2) Do certain eb equipment have higher chances of resetting vs. others? If so which ones don't reset as easily?

  2. Hahaha! I guess there's no answer then...
  3. Hmm I never had a.problem :)
  4. If u by mith, inferno, or aqua u have a higher chance to get a reset or failed. Earn and u will have better chance on not resetting or fails
  5. I don't have them sorry can't even enchant
  6. Why was my pic removed???
  7. I it didn't break ToU. If whoever removed it sees this, please say why on my wall.
  8. Nvm you posted the thread twice. This is the stat boost per enchant so you can use aqua and inferno wisely.
  9. Gautntlets and Skorpios dragons dont reset as much..
    My stp ring went from L7 to L5 though...
  10. Tal. Bry has lvl10 on BB and BP :?