Equipment Resets

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Albert, Mar 27, 2013.

  1. Two questions:

    1) My greaves have reset 7 times now, what am I doing wrong?? 0.O

    2) Do certain eb equipment have higher chances of resetting vs. others? If so which ones don't reset as easily?

  2. My double post annoyance has risen 7 times! I have two questions:

    1)I have seen this thread 2 times within 1 minute, what am I doing wrong?

    2) Do certain formers have different chances of posting twice? If so which ones do?

    Jokes. No offense intended xD Had to :lol:
  3. Lol!!! wow idk how that happened.
  4. Space out your enchanting attempts
  5. But that's so hard... I want it done NOW! **stomps foot**

    Thanks for the tip!
  6. Tal. Bry has lvl10 lol
  7. <a href="
  8. Lol FAILLL
  9. Sorry, this isn't exactly what you want but it could help you use your inferno/aqua on better enchantments.
