I made a list of all equip on excel for comparison use and to use as a starting point to decide which eb equip I wanted. I've been asked to share this, so I'll post here for any who may find it helpful. This isn't a guide or recommendation for anything. Just something I made your myself which I think other people might be interested in. I'm not the originator of the info. I copied and pasted info from Wulf, Resilience, and IIllIlI_l_Love_KaW_IIlllIl posts to excel sheet. Difference in excel and google messed up format alittle also some stats incomplete, sorry, but I just copied. Link to equip list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc ... sp=sharing
Yea it's iphone unfriendly You know you can make a phone friendly version just lower text size and remove pictures.
Great work Kov thank you for sharing , I'm sure he will add an iPhone friendly version when he can