Equipment idea

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by chiefvulcan, Oct 21, 2013.

  1. So I was thinking that people who do lower tier ebs (ex. Squid and troll) do not have any valuable equipment. All you can really get are the spiky helmet and hooves of destruction. But these are items that have very little stats and are fairly pointless except when you are a little kingdom you can kinda brag to other little kingdoms about your cool looking equipment. But in my opinion, real equipment doesn't come until the Leonine Arm Plate from the eb "No Man's Land". So my thinking was that we should have more low level equip with actual stats. Then I thought, what if there were equipment that had for example good attack stats, but also had negative defense stats, or vice versa. The purpose is to get the little kingdoms something to work with, or maybe this idea could be applied to larger equip.

    So here is the actual equipment idea. It will go under "shoulders" when you view your equipment.

    Name: Phantom

    Eb: Foreign Territories (I choose this eb because it is mostly scouting and the "Phantom" will be spy oriented)

    -1,500,000 Troop attack
    -250,000 Troop defense
    3,500,000 Spy Attack
    1,500,000 Spy defense


    That is what I'm thinking it should look like. If you have any more ideas on design, feel free to share!

    The problem I have:
    This might become an issue because people might put on an attack oriented equipment when attacking, then put on some defense oriented equip and leave to do something. My solution would be to make so you can only change equipment every 6 hours, but if you have a better idea please share your idea.

    So what do you guys think? Do you like the idea of the "Phantom", or do you not like the "Phantom" but like the idea of the aspect of equipment having a negative effect so you you have a better positive effect?