Equipment given in EB

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by lllIIIlllIlIlIIlIIlIIllIIIlllI, Jan 18, 2013.

  1. Hello all.

    As you all know that to get 1 equipment specially from TGL or TBO, it takes a long time to get. Sometimes for some people it takes 5months and other times it takes 2 tries. The point being is that being unlucky in this game makes the player not play as they will give up on hope.

    So what can we do about it??

    My suggestion is that for every 10 epic battle you do, there is a slight increase for the chance of you getting your equipment so people who try 200times will have a greater chance of getting their equipment than someone who just done it twice. Of course the increase in chance should be taken off as soon as they LEAVE the clan. However this way we have something to look ahead at and we can certainly be sure that as we do more , we are getting closer to getting the equipment that we want desperately. E.g of this could include your bow which you have like 5% chance of getting per TGL. It personally took me 2months to get my grieves which made me not play as much as i used too but the excitement that engulfed me when i had my grieves finally( after 244 tires) my motivation of playing came back.

    Thanks! Please tell me what you think and if this becomes a supported thread than I'm sure KINGDOM AT WAR would take action and so you wont have to wait a long time to get YOUR equipment. Ty

    Thanks again.
  2. Support! This sounds like a good idea
  3. No support. Makes it completely unfair for the people who already spent a long time getting the equipment
  4. No support. That is all.
  5. The ideas nice but its spam (theres to many on at like this already those would be the place to post...)
    And its a little late to implement this. Also
    A) we don't need this theres other mechs that need tweaking
    B) your asking to have every one "hunting" reset back to little to no chance and build from there, which is unfair.
    C) you want it work for it be happy if you get it don't complain that you can't manage repeated button spamming.
  6. Support! Stop trolling the forums
  7. No support. Ever since equipment came out someone is making a thread about their trials and tribulations, mostly their tribulations in getting an equipment drop. It should be hard. The greaves alone fully enchanted are worth approximately 2 trillion in ally bonus at current active ally market prices, let alone the rest of the equipment. Try saving 2 tril the old fashioned way and see how long it takes, and you realize the drops are more than fair.
  8. Isn't this what EE is for? Up to a 50% increase in plunder/drop rate...
  9. support, starting to dislike tgl
  10. War.. Huh. What is it good for??...

    E/E which gives you enhanced drop percentage.
  11. No support. Rewards should be given for war, not eb's.
  12. No support, it's bad enough that there is rewards for EB and not, say battle list. (EE doesn't count - it's a system war.) Now you want to reward those who are doing less EB's?
  13. I like this, good idea
  14. Easy use over 260items and use yours troop over 360 times, ive always got equipment on my main, by follow these try it
  15. No support, suck it up like everybody else