Equipment Damage

Discussion in 'Wars' started by spookyrobbie, Apr 17, 2014.

  1. Just a thought 

    So we all have now got various equipment which we can upgrade or select alternatives. However during wars being EE or osw bl etc I think a % of damage should be inflicted to a particular item based on the number of attacks u receive .

    So let's say its me v poppabear

    We trade hits he pins me I pin him

    Main form of attacks would be assassinate or scout as a hansel tends to pin attack trips on eb .

    So we r at each other xtalling and hitting each as hard as we can .

    I then lose connection or sleep and poppabear strips me then steals like hell to try and clear me.

    I'm forced to then bank or drop more gold and buy another ally. I bank for example ( advantage poppabear )

    I decide to pin and zero him keeping him at bay while trying to burn as much of his pots but he equally retaliates.

    In effect this could go on for weeks with no clear winner apart from the strip and I'm still pretty much effective as ever .

    Now let's say poppabear and then mommabear start hitting me ( Cf !! ) so I now begin to lose more spy defence pots and now forced to try where possible keep focus on poppabear .

    So again this could on for weeks with apart from the amount of incoming there's no real winner only I'm seeing my pots burn.

    Now if the % damage to equipment was introduced basing it on number of attacks per different equipment . With momma and poppa on me it would become apparent that I would receive much more incoming and therefore based on above let's say my sword might reduce by 1% every 200 successful attacks.

    As my equipment is now suffering I'm forced to unbank hold and fix it like a repair costs .

    At some point I would then have to do this over again but with me being stripped and now facing my pots burning and damage to my equipment it may force me to concede .

    In other games you will often receive damage which you have to repair and I can't see y such could not be introduced after all the items are not physical upgrades .
  2. Support, but whatdya wanna bet this idea will get nowhere with the devs? - just like every other great idea thread
  3. Support 
  4. How about... You can upgrade equip with NOBS to make it so it doesn't break as easy! That'll get the devs attention.
  5. ️️ good idea ️️
  6. Hold on....
    Your idea would mean that people who OSW have to "repair" (?) there equip, due to incoming hits/steals/assas....

    But how about the EB fairy? There equip won't get damaged unless they got into pvp/pvc/osw.

    Sorry, I can't support this.
    Unless equipment would only be effective in pvp, meaning: equip bonuses don't apply to your "power" in EB.

    In the current system your idea would disadvantage osw/pvc/pvp players
  7. No support, just sounds like another reason for people to stay away from osw 