Equipment Bonus Calculator With the release of the Red Paladin Equipment, decisions about what to purchase, enchant and ultimately equip can be a little tricky. I wanted to figure out the maximum bonus I could get from equipment so I wouldn't waste mith or aqua/inferno on purchases and at the mage. With this Equipment Bonus Calulator, just enter the equipment you have (or want to have) along with the enchantment level and your stat bonus will be shown to you. Be sure to enter your full stats (not your bonus to allies) in the stats from build. (This is an Excel workbook) Equip Calculator: Click File & Download to use it. I also have a version that works with Wulf's BUILD CALCULATOR (populates build stats from worksheet) which I will post once I get his permission. Thanks to IIllIlI_l_Love_KaW_IIlllIl for the Equipment Enchantment Guide!(Where i got all the stats from) This is version 1 so if you find any mistakes or missing equipment please let me know! Thanks and Happy Kawing! ~cactusbread
Update - V1.0a 1/5/13 Corrected Armor of Elemental Fire Spy Def Small Stat Adjustments - Red Helm/Iron Gauntlets **The 5% percentage is not coming out exactly right. The bonus must not be based off of the base stats. I am working to try to figure this one out.
If it was a 3rd party link then Wulf would have his build calculator thingy locked as well. So no, sorry
Very very well done! I really like how you laid this out with the percentage bonuses. This could easily be copied in as another sheet to Wulf's spreadsheet or my own. One suggestion: use the percentage bonus values in Bonus columns D:G within the equations in hidden columns K:N. For example in M14, change the equation from =IF(C14=1,E4*0.05,0) to =IF(C14=1,E4*F14,0) That way, as new equipment is released, you can keep the equations "constant", and easier to inspect. Thanks for releasing this "unlocked" too. It makes it easier to review and test. Full support, StoneFord
Thanks Stoneford! Good reccomendations on the percentages. Will release it in the next version. I have the version with Wulf's build cacl as a seperate tab that popuulates the build stats from his worksheet, i just need to get his permission before I post it. Works great with the build calc because you can test different builds and equipment combinations. Thanks for the support! ~cactusbread
100bil says your Iron Gauntlet stats are wrong. And about time somebody else made one. Was getting worried
Iron Gauntlets Thanks sholron... i updated the +4 guantlets with 600k defense and 200k spy defense. I don't have the defensive stats for lower levels of enchantment.. so if anyone can post what they are I would appreciate it. ~cactusbread
I like it, gives some deepness to the game. Now you can see what your choices will mean for your stats.
Excellent initiative! I have been using Stoneford's build calc and Wulf's version of it forever, be it just to have all figures at hand or to do some build suggestions/projections. Almost a year ago, I began with something similar but I stopped it when the mage and multiple enchantments came out (as well as some other priorities...). So here a first few observations (I didn't yet play around with it): Try using a version number (sth like v0.1a or whatever) of your published spreadsheet to keep it easier to manage for you and your users. You forgot to include the permanent items rewarded in the past for resets, as well as some legacy pro packs (those are negligible though). Well done, might motivate me to look again at my equipment manager project!