Inferno is earned from all eb's from CotD up. You need 12 highlands and a level 3 castle to unlock the mage and use it. Do the following epic battles: Reckoning - Hooves of destruction 700k attack Origins - Hystracidae Helmet 270k spy No Mans Land - Leonine arm plate 3m atk Destroyer - Armor of eternal fire 5% s def No Quarter - Nether Realm Breastplate 5m def City of the Dead - Ice Guardian's shield 5% def Figure of Death - Abyssal blade 10% atk/s atk OR Diamondiferous 5.5m atk/2.1m s atk Talons of Carnage - Silica Ring of silence 675k spy or Quicksilver plates 5m atk/def New Growth - Searing Sickle - 1.4m atk Scionic Storm - Torrent Talisman 5m def/675k sdef Sporavek's Revenge - Iron Guantlets 2m atk/1.2m satk and pinioned boots The Barren Orchard - Gold plated Greaves - 12m def/sdef and Steadfast Sollerets 700k atk/1.4m def/1m sdef Terrain Trevails - Viridescent shield - 1m spy OR Aurete Bracer 8m spy Crossing the Threshold - Stalwart Helm 2m def/470k s def Cave of Riches - Vermeil Breastplate 2.8m def/1.8m sdef The Gilded Lord - Enchanted Snare ring 200k atk/def OR Crown of Virtue 1m def/3.5m def OR Electric Storm Bow 14m atk/7m satk Storm the Palace – Ring of Illusion The Vipers Den – Desert Cloak 3.830m/4.04m/2.98m/2.93m Desert Sting – Stingpoint 7m/2m/7m/1m and Deathstalker Helm 2.25m/600k def/sdef A Cold Calling – Boots of the Badlands 100k/1.5m/200k/1.2m and Exoskeleton Armor 2m/7m/4m/10m Additionally you can participate in the weekly estocs wars for mithril and buy the Red Paladin Equipment at the Alchemist with your mithril rewards.
You have equipment, inferno can be used to enchant certain pieces of equipment. You are able to enchant equipment once you've unlocked the mage by upgrading your Castle to level 3.
Ask this on the question thread as opposed to making your own thread. Equipment is either obtained from certain epic battles (see wulf's excellent guide in the strategy section of the forums) or achieving by earning mithril in EE wars and buying them. Inferno and Aqua are dropped in certain epic battles (again, see Wulf's spic battle guide). As mentioned earlier (although not asked), Mithril is earned by participating in EE although you are allowed to buy up to six to have on hand from the alchemist. Equipment is enchanted with inferno, aqua or mithril by the mage. Not sure if its been changed - someone can comment below - but you need to upgrade your castle to Level 2 (alchemist) and Level 3 (mage), which requires becoming lowland clear (alchemist) and 12 highlands (mage). But, I think I recall reading that his was changing so others will have to guide you on that particular info.