Equipment and EE why do we have to choose?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Whiskey_Throttle, May 15, 2013.

  1. I am not complaining in any way, also I am posting with no emotional attachment.

    With these EWars many are participating for different reasons, all in search of a particular gain. Players are warring for mithril, rancor equipment, Estoc Edge, glory, and/or respect.

    The only things that dont leave a clan when you do are the EE, glory, and respect. Since 2 of those arent really in game bonuses that leaves you with 1 thing.

    I personally think you should be able to keep your EE lvl when changing clans. Because if you need aqua/inferno to enchant or need some equipment most clans warring only run the haunting epic battle between wars.

    Now with that said you have to choose between earning more gold or obtaining/enchanting the equipment that would help your account.

    If EE traveled with the player then the whiners about bfe "exploits" could put their foot in their mouths and go earn their equipment like everyone else. Eliminating the thoughts of this so called "exploit".

    Also sometimes a clan dies out. A leader leaves or a tracker moves on. This leaves a clan weak during wars and members can either leave and lose EE or stay and lose EE.

    In not saying keep all EE lvl but at least 1 level should remain while changing clans for what ever reason
  2. Support, it Prob won't happen though
  3. I approve this message
  4. SuPporT BeCauSe iM CooL :LoL;
  5. No Support, I understand what your saying and read the OP, but I believe what they have now works as far as EE levels goes 
  6. It's sad that this is what ewars have become. They were intended to bring an end to equip-eb-hunting in random clans and promote war. However, it's just encouraging ebs due to the plunder bonus, etc.

    No support by the way
  7. Email the devs supports :D or feedback ...and I'm liking the support
  8. When you've spent real $ on xtals rancor level should not go down with a loss either. Most stupid thing about these wars.
  9. ^Than everybody can get lvl 50 Rancor
  10. Umm ... Not all your ee levels leave ... Just one level. Perhaps you have never had past first level of ee?