equipement with plunder bonus

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by _Edea_, Oct 22, 2013.

  1. Hey:) it would be very nice to have equipement who gives some plunder bonus like 3% or so for lv1 and increased % with every enchanted lv :)
  2. Equipment sorry*
  3. Support ️️
  4. Cool i would support this the equipement would be great for epic Battles since not Everyone wars. PlunderFTW
  5. I love this idea
  6. Or maybe instead of retiring the equipment we already have (the special equipment and skorpios equipment) at enchantment level 5 could give .5% plunder bonus, and enchantment level 10 could give 1% plunder bonus. Overall that's a max of 12% not enough a player will sail away in plunder, but is a nice boost. :)
  7. Special equipment as in the limited time warring equipment like from EE or from All-Star Wars.
  8. It would be cool to see if devs considered it as a reward for the winners of the next all star wars