Every time i go to a different clan when hunting items i always hear someone asking about attack builds, what's a good build and what isn't. So i jump on forums and surprisingly i find so many Hansel guides but no Attack build guides. So i decided why not just make one? Attack and Balanced Buildings First and main problem i see every where i go is subterranean factories/cursed foundries/hatcheries. The majority of KaW thinks that these attack buildings are "superior" to the balanced and defence buildings as they give more attack. This can be arguably correct, however personally i recommend building balanced buildings as there are 3 obvious advantages that will outrule building attack buildings. These are: 1. Balanced buildings give more CS. Pls do not say "no, they all give the same cs." because i have been through this many times... if you don't believe me, go get a calculator, look at Wulf's KaW build calculator and add up the figures. 2. Balanced buildings give more attacks per unload. While the wait might be 5 minutes longer, you do get 27 hits per unload. Some people don't have the time to be there every hour and the extra hits can make quite a difference. 3.Balanced buildings give more plunder. That being said, more hits = more plunder but the base plunder that balanced buildings give is also more than the plunder that attack buildings give.(pls refer to Wulf's guide on building & land in the miscellaneous section and the T4BC plunder values) These 3 reasons are enough for you not to waste time and gold on attack buildings that have LOWER DEFENCE. People may argue that "a good defence is a strong offence because if people hit you, you can always hit back." that may be true but theoretically, it isn't. A balanced building has more CS right? Therefore theoretically a HLBC balanced build has a higher chance of defending an attack from a HLBC attack build. Although equipment, BFA and etc... may come into account, this is just theoretical. If both builds have equal pots, percentage of troops, equipment, bfa, bonuses from resets/pro packs, clan bonus and what ever i missed, the balanced build should always win in a 1v1. Balanced Buildings or Defence Buildings? So many of you are probably thinking "What about defence buildings? don't they give more plunder than balanced buildings? and isn't a good defence worth getting because people can't get successful hits on you?" Well here's the deal, if you were in an equal fight, all variables are controlled and the same and the independent variable is the balanced build and defence build then most likely the balanced build is going to win. The balanced build has a slight cs advantage over the defence build, and in saying so, already gives it a better chance of defending and landing a successful hit not matter how small the difference. If the same situation were with attack buildings and defence buildings, the defence buildings would have the higher chance simply because both the attack and defence of the defence building defeats the attack and defence of the attack building. Pros -Can easily defeat an attack build in a straight and equal fight. -Has a good defence meaning people will hesitate to hit you. -Has a better ally plunder and overall plunder than both balanced and attack buildings. Cons -Is defeated by a balanced build in a straight up fight -Has less cs than a balanced building -A higher defence means less attack and damage done to ebs and players in war The rest is up to you to choose which build you prefer, however with all those in comparison, i would still go with the balanced build. Although mixed buildings could be used, a pure balanced build will ALWAYS give you more cs. That being cleared, let's move on to the next part... Spy Defence Towers Spy defence towers are VERY important in a war. As a hansel, i know how annoying it is to try and fb or sit on an attack build with sdt's. The stats given from sdt's are static, that is they do not go down as your troops go down. E.g. someone with 1mil spy attack and spy defence consisting of SOS and guilds is on 25% troops, you may not know that they are on 25% troops and their stats might tell you they have 1mil of spy defence but in reality they only have 250k spy defence which is a HUGE difference. Whereas someone who has say 1.5mil of spy defence from towers and 500k from SOS and guilds is on 25%, their spy defence will say 2mil but their true spy defence will be 1.625mil. Alot better than 250k isn't it? This could be the difference in winning or losing a war/osw. It may even save you from being stripped once they see those spy defence of yours. Spy defence towers generally lower your plunder by quite a bit and are pretty situational, but if you are HLBC, you won't have to worry as there is no more growing to be done (unless the devs release another tier of buildings or another set of lands). The only other situation where you actually need sdt's are if you like to participate in wars while you are still growing. Building sdt's will make you safer in wars but they will also stunt your growth. A good war build will have around 5.8mil attack to 6.2mil and 2mil spy defence depending on how much spy attack you prefer. Personally i'd like to have around 600k of spy attack just to be able to hit the t6 ebs without trouble, although others might prefer a bit more to hit t7 ebs with ease. The ideal Attack HLBC war/eb builds in my opinion would have: 1.If you don't really care about spy stats and want the minimum but good spy defence. 25 Colonies, 3 COEs, 1 SOS and 20 Look out fortresses. This build gives: 6,206,682 att/def, 104,960 spy att and 2,053,760 spy def which adds up to 14,572,084 cs 2. If you want over 6mil attack good spy defence and max spy attack while under those constraints with the best cs. 19 Colonies, 16 COEs, 5 SOS, 1 Volary, 3 Lookout fortresses and 5 Changeling watchtowers. This build gives: 6,031,366 att/def, 525,540 spy att and 2,023,680 spy def which adds up to 14,611,952 cs 3.My personal preference and if you don't mind having under 6mil cs. 18 Colonies, 18 COEs, 4 SOS, 2 Volaries, 2 Lookout Fortresses and 5 Changeling watchtowers. This build gives: 5,986,356 att/def, 621,320 spy att and 2,022,020 spy def which adds up to 14,616,052 cs Why telling me now? Many of you are probably thinking "ok i get it but what use is this till i get to HLBC?" well this is just something to aim for, giving you guys a simple outline of what this build will look like once you complete it. It's like giving you a bigger picture to look at. How to get there So now you guys know what you're dealing with, how do we actually get there? this isn't a simple process and can take months to complete. What exactly IS the fastest way to get there? If you have just reset or are starting new and someone guided you to read this because it's such an awesome guide :lol: then this is step one. 1.Read MissMelon's guide on becoming a hansel. I'm serious... the fastest way to get gold in the early stages of the game is to become a guild hansel. It's cheap, effective and not many people will hit you solely on the fact that you're a hansel. 2.Continue being a guild hansel till you reach 12 highlands. At this stage you need to make 2 choices: 1. To keep exploring land as a guild hansel until you have cleared all lands. 2. Its time to convert to Attack! The more exiting one would be going with the latter, although step one is theoretically faster :? If you have chosen the 2nd option, move on. if you have chosen the first, skip to step X. 3.Now you need to decide Which Build you're gonna go with. For my convenience, lets just go with my personal preference. At this point what you want to do is bank up the 630bil gold and convert all at once. 4 SOS and 20 COE's level 3 in lowlands. 2 volaries and 10 colonies level 1 in high lands. 4.continue exploring land and building level 1 colonies until you have 5 lands left. With the last 5 lands, chuck guilds on them. Pretty self explanatory, also remember to always be at max plunder. There's a guide on that. 5.Go back and 1 by 1 upgrade you t5 att and t3 spy buildings to level 2 first then level 3. 6. Time to get some sdt's Bank up the gold necessary to convert some of your attack buildings to sdt's respectively. In this case, bank up 900bil and convert all your buildings, the 5 guilds in highlands for the changeling watchtowers so you don't lose a ton of gold. X.Bank up 829 bil. Convert all lowlands like in step 3 and highlands till symmetrical to step 4, then go to step 5. That's pretty much the guide, if you have any feedback then i'm all ears (or eyes in this case ) This is just my theory based on maths and my own knowledge, of you don't like it BECAUSE i'm not an attack build, then pls don't post anything based on the fact that i'm a noob hansel. If you have something to correct, pls base it on that fact that i made a mistake or something realistic. Thanks for reading. Signing out - Epic_King-Of-Knights_Fate (just another Fater contributing to Kaw :lol: Epic Fate forever...)
Re: Attack Builds Not sure if all this info is correct. For example, having more balanced buildings doesn't give you more attacks. One gives two extra attacks, but 17 also gives just two extra attacks. You could be all offensive building apart from one balanced building and still get two extra attacks. And do balanced buildings give better plunder? Defensive buildings do yes, but are balanced better than defensive? You completely left out defensive buildings... Maybe add in what is good for what styles of play.
Re: Attack Builds Opps there's white text I'll fix it. It's 8am and I kinda rushed it. It'll be edited this afternoon.
Re: Attack Builds @Owen i think he means you get more money from more attacks i.e. 25milx24hits or 25milx26hits, what sounds better?
Re: Attack Builds ^Although, the balanced buildings just give an extra two attacks, however it takes 10 minutes more to fully regen, so there's no real difference. @OP Haven't seen you around before, or can't remember anyway. If this is one of your first threads, then great job!
:-/ correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't having a higher CS mean you'll get a lower payout on lower CS, whereas said higher CS will pay better to those with lower CS.
If there was ever a stupid question, it would be Sylar's. That doesn't matter in war. What matters is how much money the DEFENDER has out.
Sylar, how strong you are isn't all about the cs, how strong you are generally takes into account how many t4/5 level 3 buildings you have compared to another person. Say a person with 12 level 3 coes will be ranked higher than a person with 11 level 3 coes and 3 level 2 coes even though the 2nd person has a higher cs. Even though that might be true, the balanced buildings like i said (refer to wulf's guide on building & land) has a higher base and ally plunder than the attack building but a lower ally and overall plunder than defence buildings. That value will not change if you are hitting another HLBC member as your "strength" is both equal in terms that you have the same amount of buildings that are the same levels with the exception of a + or - for the sdt's.