Epic fail war matchups: list em here

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Rampage, Apr 20, 2014.

  1. I pretty much never post but I'm so entertained by our current matchup I thought it would be fun to log the hilariously poor matchups the devs inflict on us for posterity.

    Definition of a game in my book is something you do to be entertained. Well like y'all I've had some interesting matchups that have had me scratching my head.

    However this current matchup had me admiring the sheer wonder of the matchup algorithm. Apocalyse (1lb, 2big atk builds, remainder small spy or SH) matches a full SH roster. I can't hit anything. Our 2 bigs can only hit the biggest SH. Thus it's essentially a 11 v 9 war. I get the pleasure of sitting it out for 2 hrs. So much for entertainment and the myth that is hit ratio......

    Now this isn't about SH rosters. That's well covered elsewhere. This is about epic fail matchups. Look forward to your stories y'all.
  2. A ridiculous match. Worst I have ever seen.
  3. Wow. This is why I stopped warring.
  4. Look here's the spiel on how to avoid 11sh rosters (90% of the time) .......

    It's a long forgotten thing called not dropping sh eq.
  5. SH pure rosters are more fair then stacking lbs and no eq SH for a small matchup. You got a small match and look how that worked. The stacked rosters had this coming for a long time.
  6. Well, b2bWar may have a full sh roster most wars, they are winning arent they ?? Mabye you should try it if you want to win.
  7. Matchups have always been suspect, at best. I'll give you an example from back in the day.

    Look at the history for my original clan White-Knights-Kingdom and look at the war against GHC Syndicate (4 down on the war history--that is how badly this war sucked, the clan was put off warring for the better part of a year). Look specifically at the number of players (this was before roster sizes were introduced). The war was 28 vs. 60 (I was on team 28) and we got crushed. Furthermore this was the old 4 hour war format.

    How you could ever match that is beyond me, but it is just one example in a long string of examples of poor matchups.


  8. Yesterday we did a Full sh roster or 1Mid (myself) and 10 sh so we can match another sh roster (4 where warring). We match a 3 bigs 8 sh clan. Of the 4 sh roster, only two matched each other. 
  9. @ Eminem

    If the sh use full bfe the clan will match a LB stacked clan. If not it will match a sh clan. The system sucks and its broken.
  10. To the dxb guy and wardragon...we went a whole 2 seasons trying to run fair rosters. Always had varied builds and always matched the manipulated ee clans. We decided to cave and try to start matching fairer rosters, this is what we have been rewarded with! This match up was awful, to say the least!
    And as for throwing out full sh clans.....seriously? You are the guys ruining this ee set up, along with the devs who can't seem to control the spiralling wreck that is the match up algorithm.
    An all sh clan isn't going to land our members with the mith and equipment that, we set out to acquire by taking part in ee. And I sure as hell aren't going to drop my build and ask others to do so.
    In my view I see ee as rapidly heading towards something that only a certain group of accounts can do. Hell, it's pretty much at that stage as it is
  11. second time today matching all sh clan. KAW isn't much fun anymore.
  12. I predict another farewell thread aproaching. . .
  13. A game that can't reliably entertain is a dead game. Think there's a lot of farewell threads on the way.
  14. Well this one is better apocalypse (2Lb, 1 small rest SH full equip) match 11 SH war1.

    Simply brilliant 
  15. Lol

    Note I said 90% of time

    anyway I hope apoc give us good fight and don't have as many inac as last time lol  it's fairer this time
  16. Stop using lb sh compo. It is based off hit ratio. You match them because 70% of your clans involved can hit each other. Wants the difference when u match a clan using no sh. It's the same problem. So don't complain when u are trying to do the same exact thing.
  17. wythen in forums :eek:
  18. Omg The fourth sign of the apocalypse has arrived.
    I agree with clouds post. The 100% SH clans are just "adapting" so don't complain about them.
    If you use 75% SH to hide your 25% LB then you have no right to complain, and hats off to those SH doing this. You were created to war ,(snicker snicker) so you lil guys go war.
    As a community it's up to us to field a reasonable mix.
    I am far from reasonable so I'll keep my thoughts on that to myself .
    25% bigs, 50% mids, 20% smaller than mid, 5% spy build, couldn't help myself