epic battles with a twist!!!!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Death_of_a_thousand_corpses, Apr 22, 2013.

  1. Now there is a lot of fuss and commotion about estocs and mith. Most clans don't like estocs, for various reasons, but there is a solution that will help.(it will not completely destroy the problem only help.)

    Ebs that hit back. Now everybody reading must think i am crazy but before you do read more

    When you go to start a eb it will ask you eb, or battle. (This is for every eb that there is .) if you choose eb it will be like a regular eb. If you choose battle it will be like a normal eb, with a twist. The eb fights back! So, how would it fight back you ask? Well that will range for each different eb, but each will take of a percentage of your possible troops, spies, and gold. Example it may take out 50% of all troops and spies every 30 min,( some may be random if you want to have some fun) and take out 10% of your gold every 30 min to everyone active in the battle. Now what i mean by 50%of troops, i mean if a person has a max of 10k troops and has 5k out, it would not reduce it to 2.5k, it would reduce it to 0 because 5k is 50% of his max troops. As for gold the eb would just take of 10% of money out.

    As for the drops I personally believe there should be regular eb drops plus a drop of mith! Now it will lower drop rates than in an estoc but still a good amount as in if you would get 10 mith in estoc you would probably get about 1,2, or 3 mith in a eb battle.

    I know it is crazy, and i am not saying i am not crazy, but post comments, supports, improvements, dislikes, anything, post it.
  2. Battle list? Ever heard of it?

    Do you need directions to it? Im happy to give some, better yet touch my name and click the hit button on my profile a few times.

    If this was to ever happen im sure once a day we would see someone post a fourm apology to the eb.
  3. But you can't do that as a clan or get moth
  4. But you can earn your useless noob as regination
  5. Oooooo i also have an idea


    After you hit someone on the battle list 5 times you get 100000000000 mith.
  6. NO NO NO NO NO.

    If ebs hit back, it will ruin and cripple the war aspect of the game. Need noobs to learn how to take a hit? Tell them to farm someone and take a hit. The whole point of wars is to fight. This game is Kingdoms at War. NOT Kingdoms at EBs that hit back. Now, keep your terrible idea to yourself. Thank you. Also, this has been suggested a million times.

    Brought to you by your friendly Guy next door.
  7. People have done it before posted a forum apology to an eb
  8. Haha very funny but why don't you go back to you den wolf
  9. Humper, best idea ever. :)
  10. Thanks for assassinating me whoever you were but i don't care farm me if you will you will fail once and then ill know who you are
  11. I **** you not, I think op is a badass mother ******* farmer
  12. ... Op would get crushed by a guild hansel idk about being a BA farmer and all i don't really know him but odds of someone failing are not good
  13. *facepalm* :lol: