Epic Battles And Descriptions Guide <Spoiler Alert>

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by BroDanTheMan, Sep 5, 2012.

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  1. Hello Forums

    This thread states all the current Epic Battle and possibly the origins behind it. It will be stated like this:
    Tier 9
    "Example EB Name"
    1.Example eb 1
    2.Example eb 2
    3.Example eb 3 [1 Item, 2 Pots]
    4.Example eb 4 [2 Enchant, 1 Item, 2 Pots]
    Personal Description:
    Example EB is hard and includes a flying unicorn.

    There we go there is a perfect description of how it will be set out.
    I will shorten down potions to 'pot', Enchantments to 'Enchant' and equipment will be 'Items'.

    Now lets begin.
    Tier One
    "Calydor The Depraved"
    2.Cover Of Night (CON)
    3.Kingdom Aussalt
    4.To The Chamber (TOC)
    5.The Depraved
    Personal Description:
    This EB Tier is extremely easy, it involves a massive boar and his army of boars. The boars as you find out are hiding a vault of treasure. Awesome for bacon and ham lovers.

    Tier Two
    "Z'uthmerak Of Despair'
    1.The Awaking
    2.The Dispair
    3.The Forgotten Ones (TFO)
    4.The Reckoning
    Personal Description:
    This EB Tier is between easy-medium for smaller player. It involves a giant squid Invading your coastal towns and destroying your armada. It also hypnotizes 'the forgotten ones' so you destroy the hypnotization on them and help you against the squid.

    Tier Three
    "Usaris The Troll King"
    1.Abandoned Kingdom
    2.Foriegn Territorys
    3.Battle Royale (BR)
    4.Origins (1 Item)
    Personal Description:
    This EB Tier is of a medium difficulty. This Tier features your clan in a fight against the troll king Usaris after he was causing havoc. I think he aas angry because he was not picked in the "Forum Ranks III" thread by -coma-, I believe he wanted to be put under 'Good troll'

    Tier Four
    "Thorak The Destroyer"
    2.No Mans Land (NML) 2 Items, 2 Pots
    4.The Destroyer (1 Item, 2 Pots)
    Personal Description:
    This EB Tier is between medium-hard. This Tier has many stone figures, objects and items fused with a magic combination. The stones move. Enough said.

    Tier Five
    "Apherium Of Exile"
    1.The Haunting (HAUNTS)
    2.No Quarter (NQ) (2 Items)
    3.City Of Dead (COD) (1 Item, 2 Pots)
    4.Figure Of Death (FOD) (2 Item, 2 Pots, 2 Enchant)
    Personal Description:
    This EB Tier difficulty is hard. This Tier includes ghosts, apparitions and fear all round.

    Tier Six
    "Hawthorn The Wretched"
    1.Talons Of Carnage (TOC) (2 Items)
    2.New Growth (2 Items, 2 Pots)
    3.Scionic Storm (1 Item, 2 Pots, 2 Enchant)
    4.Sporaveks Revenge (2 Item, 2 Pots, 2 Enchant)
    Personal Description:
    This EB Tier difficulty is between hard-EXTREME. This Tier includes a tree. A dangerous tree. Its a tree people come fight it. Never thought the day would come.

    Tier Seven
    "Moutus The Malevolent
    1.Barren Orchard (2 Items, 2 Enchant)
    2.Terrain Travails (2 Items, 2 Travails)
    3.Crossing The Threshold (1 Item, 2 Enchant)
    4.The Cave Of Riches (COR) (1 Item, 2 Enchant)
    5.The Gilded Lord (TGL) (3 Item, 4 Pots, 2 Enchant)
    Personal Description:
    This EB Tier difficulty is EXTREME. This Tier includes a dragon. FUS RO DAH it back to its firey death.


    This Thread was made to give a shortened list of all the EBs. Thank you if you read the whole thing. I would like to thank wulf because I used his thread to get my research.

    For more information on the EB's and Equipment, Read Wulfs guide: Epic Battles (PvE) <<Spoiler Alert-Fair Warning>>

  2. Is Wulf's guide not good enough?
  3. Yes its fine... Just to long. Tjis is shortened to one page... His is over 31 pages long
  4. Yours is one giant page though -.-

    I prefer my internet loading one thing at a time.
  5. You're the guy that called Tiger out for being an attention whore, I was with you even after two threads about him, but this thread is pointless since Wulf's guide is already stickied.

    This makes YOU look like an attention whore.
  6. Um yeah but he tells u what to do
  7. I agree with panic
  8. Pose... His is no different except that its split into sections. Annnd much longer. Wulfs guide is great and helps alot. Don't see why I cant shorten it
  9. Also, your personal descriptions are stupid.
  10. Cause it's useless this way if I do a new eb for me and c this guide I won't understand anything about it
  11. Panic, I spent ages making this, do you really think id do this JUST for attention
  12. Wulfs guide isn't long.. its 31 pages cos he linked each eb to a page... click on the eb name.. it takes you to the guide.. this thread is just... useless.
  13. Damn, I would farm you, but too weak....~_~
  14. To the chamber and talons of carnage both r TOC ....
  15. Look, you obviously put a lot of time in to this. Enjoy this thread while it lasts its 3-4 days. Don't expect a sticky though.
  16. I wasnt expecting a sticky at all. Ok i think the threads good... But that good... No way.
  17. Plus, Wulfs Thread explains what too do, and shows equipment pictures, and their enchanting levels.
  18. ^^^^^^^ what he said
  19. That's like helping out someone for 3 days then forgetting about them. Most people who make guides strive for sticky's.

    (You can't win with me ;) )
  20. Radiation, I never said once that the thread is about equipment.
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