Epic Battle Sagas

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by III____Lord_Doom____III, Oct 20, 2012.

  1. After the Defeat of Claydor it's long time enimy Z'uthmerak sees a chance to attack the coast lines and the mymidons defeat him then the troll king wants revenge for killing his pet sea monster after his defeat your troops take a short cut thru the mountains and must defeat tharok with the earth quakes he causes it weakens the seal between the living world and the world if the dead your troops go in and kill apherium and after his death the souls of the dead take over plants and form sporacek then after u defeat him your troops return home and after they think war and fighting is over when moutos awakens and burns down the farming villages and after u defeat him all fighting is over

  2. The cliff notes version eh?