Epic battle item drops

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by xXx-sAbO-GABRIEL-SaBo-XxX, Jan 19, 2012.

  1. I know that this has been discussed to wits end, but I'm just wondering: I recently obtained an items from the Destroyer epic- i didnt get a single pot, but more importantly I didn't fail on a single action. Has anyone won an item, whilst having failed any actions on the epic?
  2. You should write that into Bellemorte's thread buddy, shes experimenting with that kind of stuff and might know the answer.
  3. Thanks- wish these forums were easier to navigate on an idevice. Any chance i can get a link to Bella's thread?
  4. Wulf stickied a thread recently regarding eb and items, I'll try find the link.
  5. IT'S ALL COMPLETLEY RANDOM get over it u don't have a item yet. Omg , I promise it's not the end of the world . I unloaded 1 time with no items at all ,and got the shield
  6. @579 Dude, stop spacing your commas poper grammar.
  7. *proper
  8. Nothing is completely random.

  9. Random maybe, but OP says they got the item and was offering a theory - at least learn to read and write before flaming
  10. The only time I received treasure in FoD was when I didn't fail a single action, other times when I failed I get nothing except those pots
  11. I may try this... I've done 42 fods with only one gold drop and no sword maybe it's because I fail actions at the end of my unload.