Epic Battle Guide

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by lXI_HardStylelIIl2Spleen_Ixl, Jun 29, 2011.

  1. Epic Battle Guide

    Level 2 Epic Battles

    The Awakening
    3 Hour Time Limit

    Phase 1

    Investigation Remaining
    Scouting only. Approximately 6,000 health. Big bar at top.

    Phase 2

    Port Side Tentacle-
    1,500 health. Attacking and assassinating

    Starboard Side Tentacle-
    9,000 health. Attacking and assassinating only.

    The Despair
    6 Hour Time Limit

    Phase 1

    Massive Tentacles-
    Big bar at top. Regenerates 1% per 2 minutes. Approximately 80,000 health plus regen health. Attack and assassinate only.

    Phase 2

    Sea Of Tentacles-
    Attack and assassinate only. 56,550 health.

    The Forgotten Ones
    9 Hour Time Limit

    Celest The Angelic
    7,800 health. Steals only.

    Nerissius the Wanderer
    32,400 Health. Pot drop(Bribery Gem)(Spy Attack), then Fight
  2. *hijacks* my thread now :)
  3. BBCode fail on The Despair I'll fix that when Devs delete me comp account
  4. *hijacks* my thread now :)
  5. Noo Apo I hate you  
  6. Hmm that's gotta be toxic lolz
  7. And a double post  Oh it's on!
  8. Or u could use cor's guide...
  9. Wait why'd it cut off? lemme repost
  10. You do realise there's an epic battles guide by Corinthian?! It's got all of this in more detail there!

    Pointless thread... Sigh
  11. Oo i didn't know that, sorry
  12. It cut off because you used the 'and' sign.
  13. No cors guide is not as in-depth so bye >.>
  14. Just coz you hijacked
  15. No because I'm speaking the truth