epic battle guesses

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Badger321, Jul 12, 2013.

  1. Alright so there might be a post like this but I don't know. This is a thread to make predictions for the next EB bonuses :D so let's begin

    I'm guessing 2x gold on Ambush
    And 2x drop on Desert Sting

    Hopefully I'm right but comment below what you think or want it to be! BEGIN!
  2. Reserved and trolls are welcome and so are the grammar police :D
  3. If you think there is a thread like this then don't post it. There is one in active topics already.
  4. Well make this one better zorkey.... I'm guessing to the chamber and double haunts hopefully!!!
  5. Both are x2? Not likely.
  6. Warbeasts 2x drop

  7. Awakening 4x drop.
  8. 2x gold on ambush
    2x drops on acc
  9. There hasn't been a bonus on a t8 eb yet 
  10. Add honey, I still won't care.
  11. X4 Warbeasts for troll.
  12. Correct on Ambush!