epic battle equipment

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by kangaguin, Apr 22, 2013.

  1. Hello everyone :) this is a guide of all current epic battle equipment items in the original stats as you receive them from the epic battle

    Epic battle received from
    Item name-slot it goes to-stats

    hooves of destruction-feet- 700,000 attack

    No mans land-
    leonine arm plate-arms- 3,000,000 attack and attack defense bonus

    hystricidae helmet-helmet- 270,000 spy attack/defense

    armor of eternal fire-armor 5% spy defense

    No quarter-
    nether realm breastplate-armor-5,000,000 attack/defense

    City of dead-
    shield-5% spy defense

    Figure of death-
    abyssal blade-weapon- 10% attack/spy attack diamondiferous-weapon- 5,500,000 attack 2,100,000 spy attack

    Talons of carnage-
    quicksilver plates-shoulders- 5,000,000 attack and defense
    silica ring of silence-ring- 675,000 spy attck and defense

    New growth-
    searing sickle-weapon- 1,400,000 attack

    Sonic storm-
    torrent talisman-trinket- 5,000,000 attack 675,000 spy defense

    Sporaveks revenge-
    iron gauntlet-hands- 2,000,000 attack and 1,200,000 spy attack
    pointed boots- boots-3% attack 5% defense 2% spy defense

    The barren orchard-
    gold plated greaves-legs- 12,000,000 defense and spy defense
    steadfast sollerets-feet- 700,000 attack 1,400,000 spy defense

    Terrain travails-
    aureate bracer- arms- 8,000,000 spy attack and spy defense
    viridescent shield-shoulders- 1,000,000 spy attack and spy defense

    Crossing the threshold-
    stalwart helmet- helmet- 2,000,000 defense and 470,000 spy defense

    Cave of riches-
    vermil breastplate- armor- 2,800,000 defense 1,800,000 spy defense

    The gilded lord-
    electric storm bow- off hand- 14,000,000 attack 7,000,000 spy attack
    crown of virtue- trinket- 1,000,000 defense 3,500,000 spy defense
    enhanced snare ring- ring- 200,000 attack and spy attack

    Storm the palace-
    ring of illusion- ring- 552,000 spy attack 722,500 spy defense

    The vipers den-
    desert cloak- shoulders- 3,830,000 attack 4,040,000 defense 2,980,000 spy attack 2,930,000 spy defense

    Desert sting-
    deathstalker helm- helmet- 2,250,000 defense 600,000 spy defense
    stingpoint- weapon- 7,000,000 spy attack and attack 2,000,000 defense 1,000,000 spy defense

    A cold calling-
    boots of the badland- feet- 100,000 attack 1,500,000 attack/defense 2,000,000 spy attack 1,200,000 spy defense
    exoskeleton armor- armor- 2,000,000 attack 7,000,000 attack/defense 4,000,000 spy attack 10,000,000 spy defense

    This is all of the current epic battle equipment in original stats please let me know of anything I missed or misspelled thank you everyone :) . If you would like to know the mith equipment and the epic battle equipment enhance and what it needs "equipment enhance guide by ||||||_i_love_kaw|||||". Special thanks to ___D_R_A_G_O_N__X2__ for checking this. Hope this will help
  2. I never understood why some people would post "reserved" on there own thread
  3. Bro, theirs a thread about this already. It's better, has some color and you missed some things. Thx for trying I guess..
  4. Color make's Booty ticklish.
  5. Qwerty, think about it a little longer. You'll get there.
  6. Qwerty, it's to add on another post with addition info later.

    For a good example of the use of reserve posts, look at wulfs guides, or Resilences thread