Epic Battle Builds ( best for max plunder)

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by RCGxWarrior, Jan 26, 2012.

  1. Hey guys I'm like you, wandering how do I get the most out of my epic battles? Well I have found a good method for this. Please consult to the following steps:

     When you first start the demo you will have the option to build buildings. Pick the one with the most attack

     Sell the guild that they make you build and replace it with the attack building.(you may want people to volley you to around 200 mil of possible)

     Once you have done all that it's time to explore and build( repeat building the attack building, what ever tier you can afford)

     Then once you get around 1 or 2 billion hire a expensive ally ( This will help increase your maximum plunder)

     The best quest to do this on when you are a lower rank is " The despair" (The higher the attack you get the higher the epic battle you will want to do)

    For a video tutorial go to (www.youtube.com/kingdomsatwarhelp)
  2. Boooo,

    Go hansel
  3. Booo

    go purple
  4. boooo

    go taco
  5. boooo

    Go Diego go!
  6. Purple Taco named Hansel?
  7. boooo

    go titans lair
  8. booooo

    go kaw
  9. Booooo

    eat clams.
  10. Why is everyone booing? I think its better to keep that one spy building, it helps with you actions points
  11. Boo..

    Trolled 1
    4x4 all the way
  12. Boo

    Go abortion!
  13. BOO!!



    GO TROLL
  14. Booooo

    Yetis FTW