Epic Battles are here to make you money so what buildings do you need to get the largest amount of money. First build: 1/2 Workshops 1/2 Guilds Second build: 1/2 Forges 1/2 Guild Third build: 1/2 Suberranean Factorys 1/2 Guilds There are other buildings you can use but those aren't inportant at the moment. Every time you hit a Epic Battle you are given a certain amount of money the amount you getdepends on how many troops you have in your armie and your allie bonus. Allies: You should buy allies depending on the cost of your next tile you will then be at max plunder bonus and will getextra money per hit.
Defensive and balanced troops give best money >.> and that is not how you get max plunder AND it's land not a "tile"