Epic Battle Ally Strength Investiattion

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by xx-daTomoT-xx, Nov 3, 2011.

  1. Ally Strength Benefits in Epic Battles

    Does ally strength bonus contribute to the damage we do in Epic Battles? At first, I thought this was pretty obvious - of course it does! - I thought. That's what it's there for. However, I'm starting to think that perhaps ally strength doesn't contribute to EB damage. Let's crunch some numbers and find out.

    Using the twenty of Red-Star's allies I can see, I counted up attack stats. Together they have 48,668,992 attack. Times this by 0.02 to get the bonus it really gives him - 973,379 (lovely palindromic number there). Assuming that Red-Star has 250 allies, that's 8% of his bonus. So we can use the calculation 100(937,379/8). This gives is our theoretical 100% attack bonus from allies that Red-Star has. The figure is 608,362,400 - lets multiply by 0.02 again to gain the realistic figure; 12,167,248.

    Paragraph summary - Red-Star has a theoretical 12,167,248 attack bonus from his allies (that's the actual figure, not the one shown).

    Studying the hits of two of my members on the Haunting, I can see that damage has a roughly proportionate relationship against size. That is to say that a 2,000,000 attack build does roughly half the damage as a 4,000,000 attack build. So one of my members has roughly 4,000,000 attack. He does about 193 (averaged) damage per hit. So if we multiply this by 3 to get Red-Star's alleged 12,000,000 bonus. Thats 579 damage.

    Paragraph summary - Red-Star has an alleged 579 EXTRA damage per hit.

    Red-Star has 4,092,232 attack. He should do approximately 193 damage per hit. If we add our supposed ally strength bonus. 579 193=772. Yes, that's 772 damage per hit. A 24 hit unload would wipe about 18,528 'Health Points' off of whatever EB he is attacking. That's a lot. With crystals, he could solo some strong EBs.

    Paragraph summary - Red-Star is doing a theoretical 772 damage a hit, 18,528 per 24 hit regen.

    In conclusion, do we think that ally bonus adds on to EB damage? It's still a controversy. You may say that all of this is (and it's true) based on theory. For all I know, Red-Star only has 100 allies, in which case my figures would all be wrong. However, players high on the ally LB could afford 250 BC people, in which case my investigation would be valid.

    Would the developers allow such a huge damage count? That could seriously undermine all EBs




    Thanks to Genoc and DarthShayan for providing me with figures not directly referenced here, but we're useful. To Colbolt and -SilentHawk- in my own clan, whose damage and other figures I obtained from the Battle Record that helped with calculations. Thanks to MissMelon for supplying me with a link to Red-Star's profile though I haven't used it. Thanks to any others that helped.
  2. ... Nice spelling on title..
  3. Otherwise it's an alright thread :)
  4. daT you also have to consider that Red-Stsr would do more damage on easier eb's such as Origins. If those stats are for haunting.

    Personally i do 100 damage (average) on Haunting with pots.

    On origins i do about 290 under the same conditions
  5. Perhaps I was more interested in the content of the thread than the title.. No. How silly of me, of course I spent hours on the title and under a minute on the thread!

    Please, just have some sense.

  6. The stats you see are the bonus to owner right now it says I have 6m attack and a 130k bonus to owner and those people must either be around my attack or you shouldn't be dividing them.
    Just pointing out
  7. Dam. Ment my alt Jas999
  8. Every good findings
  9. Every? Very? Thanks Harrian :)

  10. I don't know, I only checked against The Haunting.

  11. More thoughts?

  12. I think there is a limit because eventually people could finish phases in one hit/raid mayb 500 on every eb
  13. Exactly.

  14. Or you could just ask re star how much damage he does on the haunting :roll:
  15. I have contacted him asking him to follow me if he is happy to help with the investigation. Needless to say, he did not.

    However, this investigation was only based on R-S because he's ally LB #1 - it's the theory that is the point.

    - I, Spy. -
  16. Ally bonus does affect damage and success in eb. As my ally bonus has steadily grown, so has my average damage per hit in haunting. Also on my which only has 700 ATT I can now successfully unload a full bar on haunting using no pots with minimum troop loss since my ATT bfa has surpassed 25 million.
  17. I didn't understand a word of that.

  18. He said that since his attack bonus from allies increased, he can unload all troops on the haunting with minimum troop loss, where he couldn't do that before with the same build.
  19. Allies do help. I haven't upgraded in a while and have only worked on bfa. I no longer lose last 2-4 hits on low troops. However there is a damage cap. Doing smaller ebs I do not that much more damage as I did when I was only say 1 or 2m atk on Kingdom assault or despair etc.