EoE vs iZi

Discussion in 'Wars' started by diZzY01, Oct 27, 2012.

  1. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. There has been some confusion about the outcome of this particular war, so with that said, I won't bore anyone with the details of how this war started or what happened during it, but will simply post this....


    I think anyone looking at this post will agree what this means. A member of the iZi council asking for a cease fire. EoE clearly won. There is much much more to all this but because of the personal nature of such ss I chose to withhold the remaining. This post is not intended to slander or disrespect, but merely to clarify. Happy KaWing and much respect
  2. Picture is way to large
  3. Please pardon obvious flaws such as the size of the picture lol. I'm something of a forum noob
  4. You guys are cute.
  5. Congrats
  6. I smell another conspiracy
  7. War won fair and square stop the slander of a great promising war clan and this wouldn't happen. I was there I have SS of iZi asking multiple times for cf. I earned respect for this clan, then I heard rumor of iZi and the Z clans talking smack and stating they won. The cf terms were walk away and be friendly. Control your members from being inconsiderate and this forum will disappear into kaw history
  8. Your "win" consisted of all the active players leaving EoE while the rest of you were pinned or farmed for a week straight. We were getting very bored of the war which is why the clan decided on a CF. It was just like an EB in that we weren't hit back, except it paid a bit worse. BMIKES, keep thinking you scrubs won. Your clan was terrible and so were you.
  9. I was not pinned once, explain that. Lol O yea you can't. Learn how to strip you eb junkies. O and btw we rapped your bank lol
  10. I was nice but now it's impossible for me to be nice, ppl who lie for title is just not professional. Feel free to come at me I'll make you wish your were never born 
  11. I and btw, 4 days bro. You guys lasted 4 measly days lol
  12. We got too bored after 3 days of no hits being returned....scrub.
  13. I thought EoE died ....
  14. They did, in war, against iZi...
  15. Hey **** head just spoke with Z council and they apologized for their noobs speaking out of term. Why not post with your main or hit me. I can go all day you **** sucking faggot
  16. And don't pardon my French lol
  17. Appology not accepted you terribad. Don't claim your clan won when they got their asses beat, badly.