"Engineering" fairer EE match-ups

Discussion in 'Wars' started by AntiCancerDrug, May 23, 2013.

  1. After reading various posts on EE in recent times, I gathered that there is a general dismay at how EE match-ups are being conducted. I think it is almost an impossible task to trying to match up in the current system, given so many parameters to tie down such as stats, BFA etc and so few variables eg. clan strength. Tightening the algorithm means more no match, loosening means more mismatch. There is also a general mistrust that players are manipulating their BFA. Suggestions to lock the ally market is not tenable and may lead to abuse. All in all, if we leave it as it is, it may erode players’ confidence in the system and spoils what I think is an excellent system war set-up.

    I think it should be possible to introduce computationally some means of balancing the match-ups and would like to table to the KaWmunity for your opinion. This post does not deal with other issues like GH exploits or BFE, or banding clans based on prestige all of which can be implemented with what I am saying here. My suggestions are:
    (1) Computationally lock BFA at match-up
    (2) Introduce a boost factor to balance weak team
    (3) Fixed clan roster number
    (4) Greater transparency

    So what am I talking about here?

    (1) Computationally lock BFA at match-up - Basically, you are stuck with the BFA you are presented with at match-up for the war duration. This is to prevent BFA from being manipulated while allowing ally market to function as it is. Say you have 50/50/10/10m BFA at match-up - the system locks you in for the war duration. So even if you can hire more allies to bump it up to 100/100/20/20m, you are stuck with the match-up BFA figure for the war proper.

    (2) Introduce a boost factor to balance weak team – This is a controversial point. What I am saying here is to introduce a system variable to the algorithm to balance two clans that are otherwise mismatch. For example, Clan A with 250m cs and 1000m BFA is matched up with Clan B with 250m cs and 800m BFA. This is a clear mismatch situation and Clan A will most likely trounce B. So the system computes such that the 200m BFA difference is divided to all B players such that they experience a boost of 20% to their static stats. This may be given to Clan B in a form of a temporary spell for the duration of the war and made known to both sides participating in the war. Likewise, a similar boost can be given to troop-dependent stats (cs).

    (3) Fixed clan roster number - Currently, the algorithm tries to match a weaker team to a stronger one by accepting more players in the weaker team. You know how that’s turning out – it’s often ugly. Not only you have to deal with that player, you also have to contend with his/her 2 xtals. With this boost, there is no need to match clan strength with roster numbers. So I am suggesting that roster number be fixed (eg. 30).

    (4) Greater transparency - Let both sides know at match-up what the difference in stats are. The current match-up info is great but can be better I reckon.

    Potential Exploits
    The biggest one I can think of is that teams are no longer incentivise to assemble a strong roster with strong BFA. A simple way to mitigate this is reward the stronger team if they win and penalise the weaker team when they lose when this boost is in effect. Eg. Say +20% boost is in effect: Clan A benefits from +20% increase mith payout if they win and Clan B will be penalised -20% mith payout if they win. At least the war will still be on level footing.

    In summary, I am proposing to let the system balance roster mismatches by giving it a variable to work with. Implementation may need to be tweaked but you get the idea. Although it introduces some artificiality into the game construct, it would make EE wars a lot fairer in my opinion. Comments, please.
  2. Hmmm. I actually like the current war system.
  3. I've been in clans with amazing match ups but we get whacked around by gh with 30 more prestige than us and a tested strategy.
  4. Agree with every single thing you said OP. Nice ideas!
  5. Very nice ACD great job
  6. I like the ideas - brings the game to strategy and xtal tactics not miss matched figures - good job 
  7. The BFA not effects that much like u think. Its effect if one clan have 1500mil and clan b have 700-900mil but mostly in this case wont be a match. Its effect only with LB players. Also about the numbers its make ppl use more strategy if there is a diff so no support. About the greater transparency it will make ppl to lose moral when they weaker. But dont really think will effect much.
  8. My suggestion? Make BFE and BFA non-existant during EE.

    Make ppl fight with their own strength.

    Pots and spells allowed. This would make GH clans almost ineffective. Since they have no bfe, they will have a harder time hitting.

    If BFA is non-existant, you can remove that variable from match-up, meaning GH clans wont go up against a clan of HLBC.

    Hate if you want. I think it would be an idea to try.
  9. Oh great idea previous poster. Fighting stark naked with only your lil wand of spells and belt full of potions to gulp down when you encounter an enemy. I love it. Back how it used to be
  10. I like these ideas OP. support.
  11. Support. Good ideas, OP
  12. Thanks for the comments so far. I don't think turning off bfa is going to work because it overly penalises the strong players who have spent time and money building up their bfa. As it is, it is preventing the top lb players from playing because it results in no match for their clan. I can see dev trying to fix this problem. Ultimately it is important to recognise that EE is but a small part of kaw. Therefore kaw principles like growth and strength (big fish eat small fish, so to speak) should be upheld.
  13. Very good ideas ACD bro. Fully support. The system as is does produce fairly good match ups at times, but with what you propose it would make fairer match ups when the system happens to fail.
  14. Interesting, what are your ideas regarding BFE?
  15. Excellent ACD, support 100% At times the system produces fairly good matches but most times match-up is just wrong. Hopefully next season will implement a better algorithm to produce a better match and some way to lock BFA at matchup, like OP said.
  16. The higher your bfa bfe bff bfz...the lower your plunder. I can get more than 100m per hit off a strong tgt. This is the algorithm for BFA. BFA take time. BFE take time. WHY special treatment for BFE ?

    build type build stats. Tower = lower stat = easier match.

    No tower = stronger = tougher match

    Tower kill spies more and protect troops

    No tower spy and troop die fast

    Ee war ,
    who less KO
    who more UP
    who sit on who more
    Who xstal n coordinate atk better win

    So match ups are tough to tweak ? No either u get tower or 100m spy def bfa.

    Guild hansels should have stat size n bfe n bfa calculated TOGETHER in deciding plunder per hit.
    Now. BFE is outside the calculation.
  17. I mean match ups ARE tough to fix.
    Towers are a choice.
    Dev are bound by this mechanic in the match up algorithm.

    Pay me a salary u apes and I spend more time to help you think of a match up system