I'll put that in my pipe. Quit selling mithril and bring back war tax. Take the impetus of item collecting away. You guys really did throw the baby out with the bath water.
Re: ending reset bonuses is and decreasing ally drop payout is going to bring back system wars?? (that was the full thread title)
War tax is still in system wars. I think you are suggesting bringing back a cash reward to winning and the reason they changed the Ally drop rate was to hinder people's efforts in volley transferring gold from one account to another.
Lol, this only affects the new players. Older guys have already done their gold transfers. Though it does mess up banks and OSWs...
I am just as confused. Equipment and ebs are no better or worse than pwars because in essence, they are the same thing to a strong clan. Free gold. Whether its from hitting an osf or a ghost that can't hit back, its still free gold
How does this mess up Osws? Most never drop strip.. If you do, how can you consider yourselves as a "war" clan?
The difference is in pwars you can transfer massive ammounts of gold, while in epic battles you're limited on gold you're earning, and there's no transfer player to player.
@ironman - I guess a whole clan can demolish an inactive/banned player and still consider themselves a 'war clan'.... Then they'll consider strip and drop fair 'war clan' tactics, too.
@knight-b PWars were a drag after a while. EBs have also lost some novelty. (Shows his amazing grasp of the obvious). Don't most EBs pay out more than the old PWars did? And don't they still run like clockwork without some kind-hearted OSF staying awake for 48 hours?
EBs pay out more for the hitter but the OSFs were making huge amounts of money when the Pwar was forfeited. In a two day period they were getting over 2 tril gold at times.
Meh. This game going to hell without even the hand basket. Those that think ahead are now punished. Well done ATA. FYI for the more noobish mods. Before T4 came out the reverse plunder wars were to grow new players. so it actually was a good thing. But ATA killed that as quick as it started with T4 buildings. Now they bent on killing everything else.
Pwars? 24/7 hauntings? Not much a difference to me. I don't like either. Real wars have no point. No one wins, mithril is virtually worthless now that it can be purchased, and the prestige system is a huge joke. They did a lot of right things with the game. Destroying system wars to shut down pwars is not one of them.