End of Barcode Exploit

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IIIIl-LSM-Capitao-LSM-lIIII, Apr 11, 2013.

  1. Please publish clan roster number on war updates. That way people on phones wouldn't be fooled by similar looking barcoded names, such as IIIIIIIINIIIAIIMIIIIIEIIIII and IIIIINIIIAIIMIIIIEIIIII or WWWWWWVWWWWW combinations.
  2. And a hypocrite to boot
  3. ^Not really, there are clearly five stripes on each side of the username. Those are for decoration, not deception.
  4. Butthurt noob 
  5. Ah. Hypocrisy at its finest ;)
  6. It may be annoying but it's not a tactic that is cheating the system.
  7. Shut up worm.
  8. llllllllllllHypocritelllllllllllll
  9. Hmmm so anytime you lose that means the other team is cheating or using exploiting something in some fashion.... :?
  10. Or you could just war on a computer if it bothers you that much......
  11. llllllllllllllllllHYPORCRYRITEllllllllll
  12. Change the bar code names and then it will just be something else like.... no more "______________Name_____" type of names.
  13. D: i like my name, no support

  14. I sat there and blinked at Moose's post for a few moments before understanding.

  15. At first I thought mooses comment was just hypocrite..
    N then I seen the cry part.. Oh funny!
  16. Stop making threads about me, There's Nothing wrong with my name