So we all know that generally seals for hte are purchased by the same generous people in clan, and we all love you for it. But what's the real benefit? Just as easy to mooch off someone else right? Well that's exactly the problem, where's the benefit to buying a seal? If you drop a horn for rotwb there's an automatic 3b bonus payment for the dropper, for hte (from what I've experienced) it's 200m. Feel free to correct me on the amounts. I think it would be a nice introduction if the sealer received an automatic 100% increase in plunder. Maybe then more would feel the urge to buy one ?
Support. You non supporters need to be less judgemental, just because of his Machine tags. It's the people who spend money that keeps this game going. And most of the ones who don't spend just complains a lot about this game
Well 100% for a sealer is bit much right? But I do support the idea where the sealer should receive a bonus from dropping a seal, least a good 10B should be automatic dropped for the sealer cause these days we all know that buying seals in certain countries isn't cheap.
Support! There should be a better incentive for the seal holder. Like a bigger bonus. Yes you already do get a lot of gold for doing HTE as a clan but the seal holder has no big advantage for sealing (unless they are generous doing it for the clan) So there should be a bonus for the sealer only! e.g. Bonus 15% or higher or 10bill. This would create a higher incentive for the person who seals therefor encouraging seal purchases
There already is incentive for the seal holder: 100% pots. This sounds good in theory however I can't support it. Now before you all start hollering about how I'm not a spender - I do buy seals. That isn't the point. KaW doesn't need any more gold in the system. KaW needs actual game improvements. It seems the devs can't see this but HTE isn't the only thing they can work on to increase spending. How about new player retention? More players = more possible spenders. Or increase incentives for PvP? More would buy xtals. There is more to KaW than HTE. While the extra gold is nice (we all would like extra gold) I'd rather devs focus on other things. Constant updates to HTE or updates that cater to HTE does not actually help the game. Yes the spenders keep the game afloat. Doesn't mean it improves the game though. I'd rather see better and more diverse events, improvements to PvP, imprvoments to war and small tweaks i.e. adjustment to clan roles. Like I said earlier, HTE does actually provide incentive through the offer of 100% pots.
Not disputing that there are other more imminent changes required in this game, does strike me as odd though that a horn dropper gets a bigger bonus than a seal dropper
I wouldn't say this. This is because 100% pots is a fictional thing made by the players to improve/encourage seal holders, but it isn't actually a thing made by the developers so there still isn't an encouragement made by the developers. Meaning that they should! I guess this also leads back to the point that KaW does need improvements. Just like any other game