Hello Kaw Community! Today i am here to suggest some ideas that you guys may like Enchanting Eb equips: Has your greaves reseted on you so many times? Do you wish that you dont fail? Well, the idea i have is when you enchant a eb equip, you do the "regular enchant" which means you have a chance of failing. Then, we have the "advance enchant", which means you will not fail on the enchant. The catch is though you need to use twice as much infernos or aquas in order to do the advanced enchant. Infernos and Aqua trading: If you are low on xtals and you wish you can trade infernos and aquas for xtals, then this idea will be in your favor! Since you can find infernos and aquas in ebs, how about 10 infernos for 1 xtal? Or even more? And since aqua is so expensive, 5 xtals for 1 aqua, then we should have 10 aqua for 5 xtals? Alright guys thnx so much for reading my thoughts. Don't forget to support if you approve it! Take care all
Dont support trading for xtals but do support the ability to use more inferno/aqua for a higher chance of success.
I dont think u got the message correctly: If you are low on xtals, then u can trade aquas or infernos for xtals. if u hv a lot of aquas, u can get xtals other thn buying it.
SUPPORT for the "enhanced enchant" but that must be more than double price. Example: my bow has reset countless times and 7 resets trying enchant fron lvl 6 to 7. People as me would enchant bow normally till 6 and would be happy if can have a 100% guaranteed enchant from 6 to 7 paying even 5x the cost of normal enchant. 2x is just too low and it's not fair to people who already have maxed their equip spending a lot of time(or money). NO SUPPORT for the trading with xtals. Many players are sit on 1k aqua and 1k inferno. That way noone would buy anymore xtals. But a way to trade aqua with inferno and viceversa would be nice.