Enchant Question

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by GriMzZy_TDT, Sep 24, 2013.

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  1. Flamingo.

    I've noticed no one has enchanted Pinioned Boots. Like the black purple ones. Why are they unenchantable? I though all Equips were enchantable D:

  2. No,
    Percentages can't be enchanted as far as I know.
  3. Ohhh. Friendly Reindeer dropping the knowledge.
  4. I see why.

  5. No problem!

    (Just don't tell santa I was here...)
  6. If you have mire questions feel free to post it in the questions three and look at the enchant guide in the strategy section

  7. More* thread*
  8. Reindeer, you are doing great as a forumer haha
  9. Apparently answering questions means you get hit by the person asking them.
  10.  Don't worry my deer boy, your time will soon come
  11. Wow, second one today.
  12.  Caribou :lol:
  13. U cant enchant coz as u growing ur equipmnt also geting strnger.there is no limit unlike when u level up other equip.like the sword in fod
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