I wanted to take a moment to express what an honor it was to be a part of this clan. This impressive group of warriors from all walks of KAW put their differences aside and came together to form one of the best All Star War clans KAW has ever seen. Doesn't matter who wins in the finals. There is no clan I would have rather been a part of. :mrgreen: My special thanks to the KrakenHeads team: Gold Team War Commander: xIl__7ShadesofHades_IllIl__xlI Pink Team War Commander: -BUZZ- Cyan Team War Commander: Ya-_AnGeL-aT-WaR_-FI Gray Team War Commander: sbluedragon Support, Tracking, and Backup: Kimmura and Daman10 Your selfless "spouse enraging" time and dedication to the success of our clan was amazing. I tip my hat and say thankie. Below is the Order of Cthulhu. Those who were the top 10 plunderers both wars combined. 1) CR1 - KUZMICH with over 50b in individual plunder 2) CR#2 Firebird67 with over 44b in individual plunder 3) CR#4 Koi with over 36b in individual plunder 4) CR#3 Kimmura with over 32b in individual plunder 5) CR#7 xXx_Dr-Jekyll_or_Mr-Hyde_xXx with over 31b in individual plunder 6) CR#9 Lioness with over 30b in individual plunder 7) CR#5 hfcevm with over 28b in individual plunder 8) CR#11 KickButt with over 27b in individual plunder 9) CR#37 Theillzatron with over 24b in individual plunder 10) CR#10 mastergamer with over 24b in individual plunder And finally. Here is the order of the Limp Fish (the wall of shame / Farm List). 1) CR#50 Golden_Dragon_Warrior8 who decided to cheat and entered 2 accounts into the All Star War and got banned from participation (even though the opposition could still hit him and make plunder in war #2 :evil: ) 2) CR#78 Matty8181 who was inactive all 6 hours of the war vs - Green Wyverns - 3) CR# 59 NatBocaj who had 2 successful actions the entire 6 hours of the war vs - Green Wyverns - 4) CR#155 batisado82 who had only 3 successful actions the entire 6 hours of the war vs - Green Wyverns - 5) CR123 bez1982 who had 9 successful actions the entire 6 hours of the war vs - Green Wyverns - For reference on how bad that was the average number of actions for these wars was 150 - 200 successful actions with some people getting into the 300-500 successful action ranges Feel free to join us in farming these people who decided a free ride was better than being a part of a team. En Memoriam Pink Kraken
Props to all those who actively fought alongside us and against, for those who chose not to participate yet queued up, you are a disgrace to everyone who has ever seen your name in a WAR game. May peace never come to your worthless kingdoms
It was a pleasure to war along you all. All came together despite clans rivalry, and work together to same goal, except those damn inactives we all hate and screw the effort time and money others put towards this wars. Was great to have meet new people. My thanks to wulf and all war commanders for all their hard work and time spent working towards out wars. And a special thanks to gray team members that always support me during asw. Maybe we can all meet again next year. My congratulations to the green team, well fought. And a word to those that have ruined asw for pink krakens, aka inactives, hope you enjoy you next months of Kaw
Many thanks to blue and Wulf and all of the commanders and trackers. Enjoyed every minute of it! Until next time......
So glad I was part of this team couldn't think of more fun I've had on a game in a while. Wulf you did a great job leading and thanks to all the people who gave it their all.
Long love Pink Krakens! :lol: Then in-actives killed pinkies on the second one. But it was still fought hard. ️
My thx to all the great warriors, that gave their all n fought from the first sec til the last. Thx tho the team leaders n Wulf for running the show, great respect for the job you guys put into it, made it a blast for the rest of us. Respect to the teams we fought, good team work n great strats.
thanks to blue for taking leqd at grwy hawks. 34 People with less than 100 actions is what cost us most in the end
as part of the pink krackens it was an honor to war with yall much respect and those inactives will c me n their feeds