Efficient Time Tangle Upgrades

Discussion in 'Guides' started by hippy, Feb 28, 2025.

  1. Assumes newly unlocked Time Tangle lands and have 15 Pallumen lands.

    1. Just unlocked TT lands.

    2. Save TT, explore lands 1-5, and build levels 1-3 with gold.

    3. Upgrade all lands to level 4, then explore land 8.

    4. Upgrade all lands to level 5, then explore land 10.

    5. Alternate between Pal and TT lands:

    • Use gold to upgrade TT lands to level 5. Keep saving plates

    • Use plates only to upgrade Pal lands to level 7.

    6. Continue this pattern until reaching TT land 15 and Pal land 20.

    7. Upgrade strategy:

    • Use gold for TT level 6.

    • Use plates for TT level 6 → 7.

    • Use Pal plates for level 8.

    8. Follow a 2 TT lands → 1 Pal land upgrade cycle:

    • Use gold for TT levels 1-6.

    • Use plates only for Pal level 8.

    9. After TT land 20:

    • Use gold for TT level 7.

    • Use plates for TT level 7 → 8.

    • Use Pal plates for levels 9 & 10.

    10. After TT land 22:

    • Use gold for any remaining TT level 7 → 8 upgrades.

    • Use TT for level 8 → 9.

    11. Finally, upgrade TT level 9 → 10 using gold.
    poTaYto and Jiraiya like this.
  2. Thank you for your in depth guide Hippy 🐙
  3. 10 pal opens TT, is it better to push for 15 pal before exploring TT? Or is that info from before the change?
  4. This guide is based on a small having a lot of gold to use for upgrades. If your small/mid and want to grow faster, using plates for buildings lower level is okay instead of waiting for only 5.4Q every event.
  5. I mean...yes and no. It's based on maximum efficiency, in which case the rate of acquiring gold>>acquiring necessary amounts of TT.

    That said, you really only *need* to follow it if the goal is most efficient bc. Personally I've primarily done all my tt with gold and use tokens for the lvl 8->9 upgrade because that's about all yje tokens I get. But if you're small and just looking for a little boost, using plates on a lower level isn't going to be the end of the world.