EE Wars

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Dimma_MaCHiNE, Feb 11, 2014.

  1. Hi peeps, this is my first forum post so please bare with me!
    As I'm sure all of you are aware these wars a no good for mid/ hansel builds there is no point moaning to the devs about it, the reason these builds are useless is not because of the devs it's the people who play this game have found it works great for them and won't let us join.

    If u want to war and are a mid size build or hansel which have no place in the 30 or so 'War Clans' that are ruling the season!
    Why not make your roster with mid sized builds if we get enough clans with these builds chances are we will get matched with a similar roster, once a few are made we can tailor our rosters so we have a good chance of getting matched with similar clans.
    Sorry I know it's a blank wall of text but just want to war win or lose I play the game for fun fed up of having to destroy my build or not war at all!
    The devs have said they will do nothing about it this season so let's make the best of a bad situation must be enough of u out there that want to war but can't make a clan fill ur roster and see u on the battlefield
    Dimma ️
  2. See, you have a slight problem. EE clans like winning. If they ad mids to their rosters, they will start losing.
  3. I'm not saying the war clans need to add mids I'm saying if u can't war due to build requirements in other clans, make a clan fill the roster there are loads of people wanting to war but because they don't fall into certain stat brackets they can't. Once you have a few clans work between our selfs try and match our roster to there's and hope u get the match
  4. Ourselves* sorry bout that 
  5. Before any of the ee warriors come out with "change your build" It's costly to do that. If I were to drop my build to become a sh I would be wasting around 200-300 billion I have spent on upgrades to do so.

    If I were to go the other way and build towers, there goes around 200 billion to get enough towers to be useful, my already bad plunder will also drop down to being non existent.

    Either way It's a Hell of a lot of gold to waste just so that I'm able to do 2 or 3 wars.
  6. most peeps that say "change your build" are pos gh's or sh's anywayz…i dont usually listen to those people at all …that being said good luck finding the peeps you need to fill roster
  7. You don't need to drop build at all, I'm a mid build and yes I do bad some wars yet I do well some wars, you don't need to drop to do better just find a clan you can be loyal at and show them what you have got, once you've do er hat you'll be picked for a lot of wars
  8. Don't quite know what happened there but what I was going to say is it's not about me finding people for my roster it's about other clans taking this approach and filling there roster with there friends and clan family not worrying about being matched against a stacked clan but doing all they can to match against another clan with similar builds in there roster instead of relying on mercs from WC who could be inactive we have all had them join before it's a game have fun if u want to war do it may as well win and lose with your friends!
  9. To me the wars are fun, however I agree with the for a lot of the players wanting to join in the fun it has been destroyed. Again it is a game u like team sports as I like to do so with friends. However I am not gonna to bend or ask my friends to CHANGE to fit in to war. Is this what we teach conform or get a bad match up. I always believe we should be who we are. Additionally to KaW you are creating an environment which makes it more difficult to encourage new players to try new things within KAW. Plz start supporting your future
  10. Oh Jesus stop posting ee war post complaining we don't need 101 posts saying why they suck just do something else like osw or pvp
  11. The reason we have so many posts is because a lot of people in KaW, customers want to do it. Obviously a 102 now 
  12. Wolfie you need to complain to the Devs. I e-mailed the Devs with my complaints and they told me to use forums. So I am doing so.