EE Wars Now - Hordes at War

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Khaymens, Jun 4, 2013.

  1. A war whenever you want it - 1 or 2 hour wars, less prep time, more freedom, and old fashioned brawling

    Not clans warring but Hordes

    Let anyone be able to create a horde just for a system war matchup


    Anyone could start a horde. A horde is full when 10 people have joined. (This could be any # I just picked 10 as it would be easy to pull a team of 10 together at almost any time) The horde's total stats, BFA, BFE are calculated and given a rank.

    Once a horde is full it is loaded and ready for a match. When full the horde is locked into a matchup if another horde of equal rank is waiting, or they are told to increase / decrease stats till a suitable match is made with the closest full horde waiting.

    Example: Your horde has a strength rank of 27 the next suitable horde is at strength rank 32

    This would allow players to move equipment around to increase or decrease strength to get very competitive matches. Or not move at all and let another horde match to them. Once 2 hordes are matched equipment is locked and the countdown to war has begun!

    Everyone could war at times they have available. You can war with only your friends, or make new war friends. LB players can go at it, smalls can go at it, you could mix up your team every war or keep it the same. The rivalries and wars that would come of this would be great for kaw. War with your enemies, or against your friends for a change.

    For anyone thinking equipment is not a huge factor in strength take a math class  - a fully equipped kingdom right now easily has more strength from BFE than the 1,000 ranked Allie LB player has from BFA!

    Taking off or switching equipment could ensure almost every horde gets a even matchup and a great fight.

    The rewards from war would be similar to current EE wars - Estocs edge, mith - there would be no paladin EB for losers - these should be Winner Take All Wars!

    Hordes would not be able to start EB's - there would be no prestige for hordes - hordes are strictly created for a system matchup war and disbanded after each war.

    Clan affiliation does not have to be called into question you are warring to war! Clans can get back to OSW or EB depending on how they like to play the game. Members simply leave clan - join a horde for an EE war then back to clan with their rewards or their bruises.

    In place of clan prestige each warrior who started a horde gets the win / loss record. When searching for a war to join the hordes with available spots would be the creators name along with their win / loss. Being accepted into a horde would be sole discretion of the creator.

    Want to war in an hour? PM your friends or use that 3rd party app - start a horde pull 10 of you together and kick a little ass!

    Just an idea to get us war junkies our fix and our mith! I'd love to see CC asking question like "who wants to war in an hour, Ill start a horde" - This is just a rough idea so community add your thoughts or ideas. Those with no imagination and just want to write - No Support - I can't stop you 

    Anyone that sees potential here and would join throw something on the thread - especially if it would improve a system like this.
  2. I like it but it is a bit out there as in it could be too hard for the devs to add to the game. EE wars took a long time developing and that was just a sort of patch over system wars. The devs can not instantly create all the wonderful ideas in the forums(I think they wish they could) but consider their limitations when introducing new concepts if u really want it to get somewhere. Don't get me wrong I like the idea
  3. great idea op…but i do agree with beast …would lovevto see this happen
  4. Love it! Full support! Try and make a supporters list for the idea.
  5. Thanks, not sure how to do that (supporters list) - I travelled a lot during EE season 1 and saw just so many limitations built into current system.

    This idea would probably be very hard to implement, but man it would free up everyone to war, make matchups always same #'s with almost identical strength.

    Warriors would be able to break out of clan bounds to system war while maintaining loyalty. The community would get to know each other a lot more fighting side by side in fierce quick wars or against a broader range of kingdoms.

    Not to mention I know a ton of friends that all would love to gather in teams of 10 or so and smack each other around for bragging rights 
  6. Full support
  7. That's actually a decent well thought out post there khay, nice effort and detail and I actually love the idea, as warring at 5am is never fun so to war when I could would be great, full support, though I do agree it would take a fair amount of effort for DEVS to implement it should at least bs considered IMO, it would raise there bottom dollar 2 fold good job
  8. Love it - SUPPORT
  9. Bump
    And support
    Love you Khay<3 haha
  10. Nice Idea!
  11. nice idea :) support!
  12. I prefer bounty hunter system but this is a good idea also
  13. Support Khay! I love the option of just 10 warring and not having to tie up a clan of 100 (as this is far too much for clan admins to manage, and encourages non-participants to leave clans).

    Another option, why not add the players rank score (incl bfe/bfa and maybe their war prestige) to thier profile, then Hordes can easily add up thier own strength and find others to war against without overburdening the Devs with orchestrating matchups.
  14. Wow i agreed with everyone really love the concept and think devs should give it consideration. War as it stands is too complicated and not as fun as it would be with this model. Thanks supported 100%
  15. Great idea Khaymens , full support.
    I'm sure the devs love a challenge 
  16. Nice idea buddy!

  17. Support. Would be lots and lots of fun.
  18. "Bounty hunter ftw" why, don't just post random  try explaining why you prefer bounty hunter or don't prefer this