Those who participate in rancor wars or read the devs posts will notice that there are a significant number of no matches in recent weeks. While it is likely that the increase of no matches has resulted in fewer bad match-ups (although as no one seems to really know how the algorithm actually works who really knows?), it has also made it difficult for players to obtain levels of Rancor. Just as an example, I have cast WOC 5 times in the past week and received a no match every time, although my clan did receive a match-up for a few other wars during the week. In the post sign-up summary by the devs, on occasion the devs provide an explanation of why a clan received a no match (e.g. "Increase the strength of your roster and your hit ratio for a better chance at matching."). However, as occurs far to often the devs simply state something to the effect of: "_________ (insert clan name) while there were clans of similar strength, you received a no match because better matches were found for clans of similar strength as as they had a better hit ratio." This type of post sign-up language is useless to clan owners and war commanders as it does not provide them with sufficient information to be able to alter their war roster to help increase "hit ratio." It would be greatly beneficial if the devs can either include explanations in their post sign-up summary, or in a pm to clan owners why a no match was actually received. To put this in lay mans terms to help avoid any misunderstandings, the explanation should include information such as: your hit ration was low because a) your bfa/bfe was too high/low; 2) the top/middle/bottom of your roster was too strong/weak; etc. We need to know what is causing the low hit ratio. If the devs are willing to weigh in or listen to this post I'd love to know what Death Incarnate can do to avoid so many no matches. I know there are a few other clans who also receive no matches quite often, I'm sure they would also like to know what they can do to change their roster. Additional information will help minimize the number of no matches as clans will be able to take beneficial information (as opposed to your clan had a "low hit ratio") and alter their war rosters accordingly. As an incentive.....less no matches = more xtals being used = more money in your pockets If you support this petition or have additional ideas please include them on this post. However, PLEASE keep this on topic.
I'm pretty sure they mean one thing every time they say that. Your roster has too many different sized players, and you need to find a balance. Mostly big, mostly small, etc. That's why all gh clans do so well, because they have one type of player, and can match with similar all gh clans.
It's simple. Stop using so many dumb ass guild hansels to water down your roster and you'll start getting more matches.
I would like to know the opposite, what it would take to get a no match, cause matching a clan with 25% more cs and several times the bfa continuously is a bit ridiculous.
I haven't looked at your clan because what I'm about to say is generic and doesn't partake to anyone in particular. By having a bad hit ratio I believe they mean that your roster is too unbalanced. Like having a few bigs and a lot of smalls typically generates a no match. Some clans have figured out how to generate an easy or a way to get a match with that. A way I think would guarantee a match each time is having an even balance of builds in war. So some big some mid and some small or a lot of mids and bigs/mids and smalls. You may not have an "advantage" but you'll get a match unless you're odd man/clan out. If you have mostly mids they can hit almost every one out there and will give you great hit ratios. I would say I'm smallish mid. I can hit way up to like 80 on lb and can also hit gh( that helps the clans hit ratio a lot) Well those are my thoughts, agree/disagree it's up to you but those are why I think clans get bad hit ratio no match.
Also bobcat we have a very balanced roster but have also switched it to top heavy and gone small. Have recieved a no match in each situation it appears many others are aswell.
i Dont get it too ... if its about ghansels then how could for example RH get matchup with clan with only 2 gh on roster ???