EE wars guide

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Javaneter, Aug 25, 2013.

  1. EE wars guide (last updated: 4-2-2014)

    *EDIT* I tried to take all mistakes out of this wall of text. also tried to explain tracking a little bit. sorry for the waiting.

    *The war shedule is now viewable on outside forums on android phones too. click clan, then clan events. you should see a red bar with 'War Shedule' on it. Click on that and see the upcoming wars in your timezone's time.*

    A few basic short forms: KO (Knock-Out), SKO (Self-Knock-Out), WC (War Commander), GH (Guild Hansel), ps (pure spy), WoC (wave of conflict, sets you active on your clans roster for the upcoming war), satt (spy attack), def (defence), sdef (spy defence), att (attack), ssd (static spy defence, spy defece given from spy defence towers) and sad (static attack defence, attack defence towers), BFA (Bonus From Allies), BFE (Bonus From Equipment).

    Table of content:

    0: Requirements for EE
    1: Checking requirements
    2: Asking permissions
    3: Casting
    4: Signup (admins only)
    5: Matchup+warbrief
    6: The War
    7: KO, being KO'd, and SKO
    8: Rewards
    9: Special
    Extra content: Tracking
    Extra content: Builds: advantages and disadvantages

    0: What you need for an EE war

    war knowledge
    amount of crystals depends on war length (1-2)
    200 of ALL pots except for Gh defence pots
    a fast network
    1 mil static Spy defence(Achieved by building Spy defence towers)
    14 mithril (pure spy case's different)

    ACTIVITY during the FULL war

    Step one: checking requirements

    You want to war, And your clan will do like, war 1, first of all, you check if you have those 'requirements' stated above.

    Step Two: asking permissions:

    You'll have to ask your WC for permission to cast WoC. your clan needs to have a specific number of members with WoC cast in the clan to participate in the upcoming war. This varies per war. You have some wars that need 10 people, or 15, 20, 26-29 or 50. Make sure you don't have too many people (more than the restrictions) because your clan will get disqualified. **No matchup, and no TVP!**

    Step Three: Casting:

    When there is said you can 'cast' in cc/pm, go to the alchimist tab (under marketplace on android, the tab alchimist on pc) And hit the button 'cast' behind the spell named Wave of Conflict. This sets you "active" on your clans roster if you reach/stay in the restriction. (Also, if you want a blue banner, but dont want to spend any mithril, just activate WoC(make sure your clan is NOT warring) it will make your banner blue until the next war is over.)

    Step four: Signing up(admins only):

    When your clan is in the participation restriction, any admin/owner of your clan can sign your clan up for the war. (If you are an admin) you can do this by going to: clan-->the little bar above the clan achievements-->scroll down-->hit sign up.
    After this is done no-one can leave the clan anymore. You are stuck till the end of the war, 4-6 hrs later. To allow people to leave again, retreat from the war on the same screen. **note** If you signed up and backed out, your clan is NOT participating until you sign up again!

    Step five: Matchup:

    After the clock on the signup board hits 00:00:00, the developers try to match you with another clan that has approximately similar stats, builds, size, and BFA&BFE. If they fail this you get a No-Match situation. Explained later. Normally you get a matchup. You can view who you matched in your newsfeed. For a quick link to your opponents clan, instead having to type their name, you can go to clan, signup board, and click the opposing clans name. From the point the clock hits 00:00:00 you have two hours until your war starts. From now on you kind of got to be online until the end of the war. You can still hit your epic battle until there's one hour left on the new clock. You can't initiate epic battles after the matchup is done. Already running epic battles will continue until they are completed, failed or forfeited. When there is one hour left on the new clock you'll get a message in your newsfeed like this: A war will start in 60 minutes. Any mithril spells cast between now and the beginning of the war will be added to your potential war winnings. From now on you can go ahead and use your 14 mithril to cast the four basic spells, Bloodlust, Fog of War, Veil of Darkness and Battle Fury (unless Pure Spy). You can cast more mithril to get more mithril at the end of the war IF YOU WIN. THIS IS NOT RECOMMENDED IF YOU AREN'T SURE OF YOUR WIN! It does NOT work to cast more mithril during the war if you are winning.

    Step 5 1/2: Warbrief

    This is one of the most important steps of the whole war preperation. Your WC will tell you how you are going to play in this war. NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS, OBEY WC! There are many different ways to do a war. you can go plunder first, assassinate to kill their troops and not let them make any plunder, scoutbomb to make troop KO's... too many ways to say here. Do not talk during a warbrief, and know your number on the clan ranking. Your WC will give you groups and targets, know your group for the targets, because (s)he is going to give it like this: group 1: cr2, 5, 7. group 2: cr 21, 34, 35... Also write down your targets in Ally Chat, helps to remember them!

    Step Six: The War (make sure you have casted your mithril spells!!!)

    When the timer hits 0, the war starts! The timer refills to 2:00:00(or 1:00:00 if its a one hour war), And you can get plunder by attacking/stealing your opponents, or knocking them out. Stealing is NOT recommended since it kills more spies from you than from your opponent. If facing a good-towered clan, scoutbombing(sb) will be the most efficient, against a low-towered, you can assassinate them better since it also kills troops. Your goal is to get the most plunder in the war with your clan. If you have more plunder than the opposing clan on the end, you won the war. During the war, your war commander will announce 'crystal runs'. Those are to give you much more plunder (hopefully) and take/maintain the lead. DO ALWAYS OBEY WC ON THIS, NO MATTER HOW REDICILOUS IT LOOKS.

    Step Seven:KO And SKO

    KOing: if you KO an enemy, you loot 10% of their current plunderscore PLUS a bonus, depending on the action you've knocked them out with. (If you KO with a succesful attack, you get 100-400m plunder boost+the 10%, with assassinate 50-100m, scout 200k-20m and steal 20-40m.) You can KO an enemy with a failed action too, but you don't get the plunder boost then. You'll KO an enemy if you kill his/her last unit with YOUR action. Failed actions also work. If you KO someone, you get a message in cc and newsfeed: (cc) lets_play_kaw has knocked out your enemy, IlIHIlIAIlIWllIKIlISIlI, looting 86,432,637 of their plunder score!(example) I assassinated him, and he only had 2% of troops left. with my assassinate I zeroed both his bars, giving me a KO, 10% of his plunder score plus a bonus depending on the action I did, assassination in this case. I knocked him out and looted 10% of his plunder score, 86,432,637. You will get this Message in newsfeed: You have knocked out IlIHIlIAIlIWllIKIlISIlI! You earned 53,326,483 plunder and looted 86,432,637 of their plunder score!
    Your opponent will be knocked out for a certain time. After that time passed (you can use a tracker to see when people will come up) they are vunerable again. In KO modus you cant attack nor be attacked. But you can stilll help in the war by 'sweeping'(hitting random persons on their wr), you can't attack them, but you can still check if they are up or not. If you try to hit someone in that is in KO modus you will receive this message: Defender is currently knocked out. If you get ANY other message (except for Not Enough Units) They are not in KO modus, so they can be KO'd by your clanmates.

    Step Seven 2/3: Being KOd:

    You'll get in KO modus, if someone other kills your last units, no matter spies or troops. You will lose 10% of your plunderscore to the enemy, and be invunerable for a certain amount of time. You can still see if someone is up by trying to attack him. If he is KO you get the Defender is currently knocked out message. If he is not in KO modus you get a message like this: you are currently knocked out, you can come out of KO in 7 minutes or it will be automatically lifted in 7 minutes. This means THEY are hitable, so report that in cc. Like: wr (war roster) 18 IlIHIlIAIlIWllIKIlISIlI up! And your clan tries to KO him. If you are KO'd there Will be a Message like this in cc: lets_play_kaw was knocked out by your enemy, IlIHIlIAIlIWllIKIlISIlI, losing 48,382,934 of their plunderscore to the enemy!

    Step Seven 3/3: SKO

    SKO is the short form of Self KnockOut, which means you cleaned your last troop yourself. You lose like 3% of your plunder score but the enemy doesnt get ANYTHING, which is the best side of it. If you want to SKO when you just get out of KO, just hit with your troops the targets in cc, scout 3 times, then steal WithOUT pots, it'll SKO you in 1 time. Same KO time ie. Message: Your Ally, lets_play_kaw, knocked themselves out, losing 2,432,283 of their plunderscore. or if the enemy SKOs: Your enemy, IlIHIlIAIlIWllIKIlISIlI, knocked themselves out, losing 6,384,638 of their plunderscore.

    Step Eight: The Rewards

    If you win a war by having the higher plunderscore, you get rewards for winning.
    Mithril: The main reason who people EE/want to EE. You can buy equipment with it, or activate other spells, or just stack it up. Your mithril payout is based on a few things: mithril spent, pots burned and enemy pots burned. # of KO's does NOT change your payout. Neither does plunderscore. Actions are mandatory to get your mithril payout.
    EE spell: A spell that increases plunder and drop rate of equip/aqua/inferno. You earn 1 level for winning a war, 1 for losing a war. It lasts two weeks and if it is not renewed (by warring again, or having a No-Match situation) ALL the levels disappear, regardless if you have a hard-earned level 5, or a lucky level 1. EE is 'stackable' until level 5, which gives 50% more plunder and drop change. (level 1: 25% level 2: 33% level 3: 42% level 4: 47% level 5: 50%.)
    Rancor levels: NOT awarded during the test/chaos wars, only in the seasons. The current season is ongoing! There will be looked at your Rancor Level at the end of the season, regarding to that, you will get special equipment (level 1-9 1 piece, 10-19 2, 20-29 3, 30-39 4, 40-49 5 And 50(MAX)6 pieces of equipment. All the equipment slots are allready used, so the developers decided to give the first six out again, in the opposite order and with a little stat increase.

    The Vanished Paladins Epic Battle was removed for war losers because there were clans throwing their match to do TVP! You will NOT get your Rancor's vision and Rancor's Curse when losing, but a special war compensation (based on actions, and mithril cast) which varies from 0-14 mithril!

    Step Nine: Special:
    Not Matched: the developers could not find a fair match for you, or you were the last to sign up with an odd number of clans signing up. In both ways you get two spells and can do TVP also to get a little bit mithril.

    The Vanished Paladins note:
    If you de not have WoC active during the matching, you will never get rancors curse and rancors fury, which allows you to hit tvp. If you have those not, you can NOT participate succesfully in tvp!


    There are many different ways of tracking, I did it myself once and failed miserably, but there are two ''main'' ways. Use a piece of paper and a pen, or a spreadsheet in Excel or so.

    Piece-of-paper way: What you need: one sheet of paper and a pen.
    Make a nice table with as many rows as warrers the opponent has. set their numbers (clan roster!!) down in descending order, also include names. make like 10 columns, those are our trackboxes. When someone gets KO'd from the opponent team or (s)he SKO's, you write the War timer's time down in the first box. let's say it's ten minutes set ko: ten minutes after (s)he got KO'd, you type in cc: cr ... up in a sec! and hopefully your clan can KO them. When they get KO'd again, just write the War timer's time in the second box. The Excel works the same way but you won't have to write, only type.

    Thanks for reading, And may the blood That floods always be that of your enemies!
  2. EE wars builds, advantages and disadvantages, weaknesses


    There are a few different EE builds: (I use a standard of 2 million ssd in each build. In pa case sad)

    pa-->only attack buildings, with NO spy buildings.
    attack build-->less than 25% of their buildings are spy buildings
    hybrid-->above 25% but lower than 75% of their buildings are spy buildings
    gh-->one balanced attack building and the rest guilds
    sh-->ll+hl all SoS lvl 1, and 5 balanced attack buildings on the hf lands
    hansel-->more than 75% of their buildings are spy buildings
    ps-->only spy buildings, NO attack buildings

    **I will not go into those builds as they contain too much towers to be really eliminated. this is a short description.**

    haxor build-->more than 75% of your lands are towers. Is ALWAYS DTW because of the <24% DTW mechanic.
    turtle-->at least 2m sad, and 2.5m ssd. preferably higher. Is great as a meat shield, if really large. Doesn't make super plunder but takes hits like crazy.


    Has only one bar to clean
    is attack heavy: good plunder
    always good KO bonus

    easily assassinated
    can't sko well

    every build, exept itself, espessially ps

    Attack build:

    Great plunder
    Can SKO well if used well
    Can sb gh/sh maybe assassinate
    Not easily taken down

    Is often huge
    Less people to hit (hit restriction)

    Heavy hansel
    Large turtle
    Large ps w good bfe


    Both spy and attack useful
    If semi-large good plunder
    KO wise used

    May not fit in roster
    Will take serious inc
    Might be too large

    Large attack builds, if no sad
    Heavy hansel


    KO wise
    Can hit far above normal restriction if good BFA/E
    Pays bad to opponent attacks
    Cheap to build
    Can SZ high hansels with scouts
    Gets high plunder from mid-sized builds

    Easily taken out
    Not able to hit too high atk builds
    Needs high investment in BFA or serious s1/s2 eq

    Other GH and/or SH


    KO wise
    Can hit far above normal restriction if good BFA/E
    Pays bad to opponent attacks
    Cheap to build
    Can SZ high hansels with scouts
    Gets high plunder from mid-sized builds
    Higher plunder than Guild Hansel
    Level one building that acts like a level three(hit restrictions)

    Needs decent equipment to funcionate well
    Makes roster too varied, might cause a No Match

    Other SH and GH


    Very strong KO wise
    Can KO high sad atk builds that would never be KO'd otherwise
    Can act as spy-meatshield

    Often too huge to fit in roster
    Not very much plunder made by
    GIGANTIC leak if no sad(!!!!!!)
    Much money needed to build :cry:

    SH (if not very large)


    Doesn't leak at all
    Not too expensive to build
    zeroes opponent pretty easily
    No absurd BFA/E needed
    Has only one bar to clean
    Can SKO like a champ {if not sat on very badly)

    No plunder, unless stealing or KO'ing(not recommended cus youll leak when you have money out)


    Nicest build to be: Pure Spy

    Most wanted in war: SH

    Most effective in war: (large) Hybrid
  3. DAMN you autocorrect :(
  4. Really good guide for beginners, a few grammatical errors but ah well. :)

    A lot of effort put in too, nice guide
  5. Nice, few spelling mistakes but apart from that its good :)
  6. Simple and effective.

    Good job.
  7. Yep, that about covers it. :D

    Note - aqua and yellow text hard to read on device.
  8. Great way to put beginners off
  9. Ummm, do you actually shine New Age's shoes?
  10. What is tracking or a tracker
  11. Nice guide..could be a sticky except for spelling mistakes..for once a positive EE thread lol
  12. @ghost lol they are superior to me :p

    to askers for tracking: I can not track myself. there is already a thread about tracking
    Once again sorry for spelling mistakes ;)
  13. pretty good. thankyou for wanting to give something to the community. the one correction i might consider if i were you is the yellow. hard to look at. but i would use it for new ee fighters.
  14. gonna edit it next time I am on pc! ty for pointing it out.Ill try to get most spelling mistakes out of there too :)
  15. nice work, jav 