EE wars good and bad...?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by j-a-c_The_funky_Homosapien, Dec 8, 2012.

  1. I would first like to say that the new war system is a great step forward in respect to garnering peoples hopes to war. It really has implemented a set up where people are truly more inclined to learn this games finest points. How many new people will be introduced to war because of this? I'd wager it's significant and it's also what we as players have asked for. This will rekindle what had become an increasingly lost art, war, strategy and a lust for combat by large portions of kaw.

    That being said I feel that the top clans will suffer the most in one aspect of the match up system. It seems that week in and week out the same clans will meet each other for war, what options are available after-all. The top clans in respect to strength will fight each other repeatedly because there is such a discrepancy in strength from clans 1-10 and beyond. I realistically can only imagine the top 10 facing each other because of the match system currently in place.

    What could be some possible solutions to this? Well, one is the top clans would have to break it's forces up into smaller warring parties in separate clans to possible face clans rank 20 and below. Another would be its parameters being tweaked allowing top 100 fighting other top 100 and so on. I'd like to hear what the community thinks also could be solutions go this.

    Don't get me wrong I think the new system is a great improvement over the old, that being said, nothing is ever perfect and it appears the developers are taking it's communities desires into consideration. So what could possible solutions be to the issue of facing the same clans week in and week out?
  2. They are fantastic :)
  3. amazing! I love em
  4. That's truly inspiring and grand but read the thread in full... It's not only the top clans that will face a monotonous future of same clan combat smaller clans will see the same and many could drop out before it's truly appreciated for what it could turn into.
  5. Being outnumbered 2 to 1 is not a good match up, its no fun at all. Between the numbers and the lag your kod vefore you even get out of pin! But thats ok, they did implement a new "splash screen". How about you fix the problems before chabging a screen that 3/4 of the kaw community didnt want changed to begin with!
  6. @Beatlips,
    Any suggestions on improvement or just butthurt and no forward thinking?
  7. I understand the beginning of any new system has bumps and no match up is perfect but without our continued thought to improve we will be stuck with RESILIENCE predicament, a great war clan stuck and frustrated by a mis-match be it size or player to player numbers.
  8. Continued thought, fix the matchup problems before making new screens and items,! That is my forward thought, have you seen how many ffs and insane matchups this week, i mean c'mon its rediculous! I want my wasted mith back!
  9. Beat lips is mad lmao u can win being outnumbered. Count the incs and Hit the ones who drop themselves low. It's about TEAMWORK and STRATEGY not the devs helping u put on your diaper and giving u the most even matchup on the planet. If u don't have a strategy for being outnumbered or fighting larger opponents then don't bother entering war derp. Cuz it's gonna happen no matter what.
  10. Indeed I have and unfortunately I think the biggest issue is match up's be it active members in war or I think in the future redundancy within the match ups. Because nothing will be more interesting than warring the same clan week in and week out.

    And I do appreciate your feedback above others just for the fact RESILIENCE is a top strength lb clan and a war clan. I really think the best ideas moving forward and finding a fix to the current system will be solved by the top clans both in strength and war experience... Just because the lower strength clans will be dominated by a select few clans with Alts or people that stay a size range because they enjoy it.
  11. Wouldn't a winning strategy be fill yourself up with 100 members...
    99 members have 0 stats (attack, defense, spy attack, spy defense).
    And then a really strong player (10m cs or above) take top spot.
    The 99 members all get one guild and one stable.
    Then the 99 members pin themselves on the enemy (mass #s of KOs by sheer force.)
    Then the top player sweeps in and KO's the others (who are already severely weakened).
    The others can ONLY attack the top player to make money, the 99 members will only give them about 5000 gold an attack.
    WIN, right?
  12. That's a valid point cynder but reality in the toughest war clans is simple, most use the same strategy and a big numbers difference will leave you crippled. I'm not looking for the devs to give the most fair match ups but I see one strategy being exploited to better serve the top clans. That's to create groups of warriors and break them into clans of 30-45 and fight the lower ranks and pure dominate.
  13. The biggest issue I see moving forward is redundancy be it you're clan rank is 1 or 300 you'll see the same clans and same strategies over and over... It'll become like the old system you just don't pick your opponent but really your clan is stuck with the same 3-7 clans week in week out......