EE wars. Devs facilitate bullying

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Lackluster, Sep 21, 2013.

  1. Well looks like the developers decided that keeping the money flowing short term is more important than having an equitable EE war system.
    For some odd reason even though this exact thing has happened multiple times and devs had a fix in place, zaft is once again untouchable wallet warriors taking all true competition out of the system
    Let me explain how it works. They spend bunch $$. Devs allow system to favor spenders. Spenders get more powerful equip to go along with huge Bfa and soon they are too big to overcome and they run around the game doing whatever they want
    Enjoy the EE season of crossing your fingers before every match and giving zaft mith and equip
  2. Bulling=Conflict>Farming>OSW=PVP.
  3. You missed res point, in rancor testing zaft made an ee super clan composed of a full LB roster. If your paying attention they have done it again. EE was failing because everyone got tired of a sure loss. Now with zaft in osw they have done it again. Even though the clan was closed previously as it removed compition from Ee. That was about the same time guild Hansel got super popular.
  4. Looks like battlegrounds has done really well against them the last 2 wars.
  5. You don't need to spend anything to get huge bfe. I would know, I have only spent $30 total and that was mainly for propacks, yet I ended up having over 300m bfe and over 1200 mith in reserve.
  6. Jab you contradicting yourself. You just said you spent 30$ 0.o
  7. Dejavu op
  8. Tvorez, I was making a point that I've hardly spent a dime. I know for a fact you don't need any cash to get huge bfe. Even mastering all the quests give you enough crystals to go through the season.
  9. Battlegrounds have done pretty well against them? With all the respect at Battlegrounds clan but i dont think so.
    LOL, on their previous war i see 7 ZAFT players being KO-ed 0(ZERO) times. And i dont think they were DTS to most of Battlgrounds players becouse they are top plunders.
    How you can hope to win vs a clan that you cant KO 25% of them? 1b plunder difference at the end can be for many factors, e.g. the overpowered clan doesnt use all xtals becouse they think war is already win.
  10. Yes devs keep doing bad match ups big clans vs smaller then say it was best match up when there are 2big clans that could've fought and would've been better matched. But once again devs match up big clans vs small ones to fav the big clans
  11. How cruel of them. Im shocked to hear this accusations. Would break my heart if i found then to be true.
  12. [​IMG]

    Gilga, thats doing well against a clan. You say maybe zaft didn't use xtals because they know they already won? Lol, look at zafts other wins. I guarantee they didn't let battle grounds get that close on purpose.

    That's a near win, like it or not.
  13. The solution to the devs crooked war system is offered in about 5 threads atm. Just don't e war till its fixed. Enough drop out they'll change it
  14. Again like I have always stated in all the other threads I am on no one's side.

    This is a stupid post. You "RCA" guys practically do the same, ZAFT just gets to perfect it because they have so many spenders. Being a huge spender is not being a bully. Just because ZAFT gets to be the powerhouse when they wanted to with their mother clan and you don't dosen't mean they are bullies.

    What is this? A not well thought out post posted without the consent of Res council member? Lol.
  15. Battlegrounds is a excellent EE clan they have a very methodical system when they war, I got full respect for them bc they let me war with them when I have the time for the wars, given under the circumstances zaft is huge... Your beating a dead horse here saying zaft is huge... It's common knowledge they bigger res is losing there will to fight in osw so they try to make false claims about EE wars now, warlor and res used same tactics zaft currently use.. The difference is zaft stays together the rest break apart your crying res_none bc your a 