Discussion in 'Wars' started by WE_Commando_Huhub_FU, Apr 11, 2013.

  1. As a player that likes to war, admittedly I have obviously done my fair share of ebs, but still regardless of this, would like to do EE wars

    I have found plenty of clans to do this in but to no avail in regards to a win, making it less and less inviting to do EE wars, unfortunately for me I haven't won an EE in a long time!

    Anyways enough about me, I still wish to do EE wars but find that most decent EE clans won't accept new recruits, but in doing so are also passing up the opportunity for players to war or learn to war but then bagging players for not warring!

    So I figured that I would create a thread for players to advertise themselves, to any clan good or not, just to get the opportunity to war.

    Simply State the following if you are a player!

    Combined stats- your attack,defense, spy attack and defense combined
    Build type - (example hybrid hansel attack)
    Do you have towers- if so how many for defense and spy def
    Can u max xtal ( 2 per war) every war -
    Previous war clans that u have warred in -
    How much of each pots u have -

    As an example to the above would be the following

    Cs - 12,813,659
    Build- Hybrid
    Towers - 3 T5def, 2 T5spy def
    Xtals- yes plenty ss proof if needed
    Warred at - dark horse alliance, epic war clan
    Pots - 500 each minimum

    For clans wishing to advertise thier EE clan

    State the following
    Clan name -
    Recruiting what type of build-
    Current season ee history-
    How to apply-

    For example

    Clan- Bullet eaters
    Build type - guild hansel 1.5mill max minimum 2 spy towers
    EE history - 3W - 7L
    Req- Must participate in at least 4 wars per week, be 100% active and max xtal (2xtals per war), follow cc, keep cc clear
    Applications - by invite only - or apply at ATE_A_BULLETS WALL 

    If this idea has been done before I apologize, but I do feel alot of people are being excluded from this WAR game!

    Hopefully this thread works all support will be greatly appreciated for all that need an EE clan, or members to fill the void in their EE ventures, thanks for reading 
  2. Great idea op: guys take this seriously, we worms are watching for potential candidates.
  3. Support.  From all the advertising I see in WC for EE's and from what I've heard from friends on falling short on numbers etc., this thread is definitely needed.
    Good idea, Hub.
  4. Cs: +1M
    Build: Hansel
    Xtals- None atm
    Towers: 1 lv2 t2 def tower, 1 lv1 t2 spy defense tower.
    Past war clans: GHC Silent Killers
  5. Knight just a tip, but I would advise that you buy xtals, as they are imperative in any war clan for success 
  6. Good job op
  7. Support!

    I'm having trouble finding clans that do the Asian-friendly timezone war. I am warring at NBN mostly but it is always early morning wars here. Any evening start time clans?
  8. I am looking for war clan.
    Pure spy
    With 18 guild & 8 SOS
    Great work on this thread
  9. I would advise u put a attack build (be a hansel), that way you wont be leaking gold during war..
  10. I do plan on buying xtals
  11. Lilith does have 1 attack build, but should state xtals
  12. Cs: 3.4mil
    Build; attack
    Towers: none (that can change)
    Past war clan: GHC Silent Killers
  13. (Not this account, this is alt, wall me if you will accept my main, who has the above stats)
  14. ADVICE FOR ALL POSTING- towers and xtals are generally essential for any decent war clan to recruit you!
    To any clans that fod themselves mercing, this is the perfect opportunity for you to post your clans requirements
  15. Bump- support for this at least it's a decent attempt too improve kaw activity in wars opposed to almost every current AT thread
  16. you can't leak gold as an osf in these wars
  17. Resistance get off my thread n back in my pm  just joking man, n yeah that is true dude
  18. you told a guy to put up an attack build so he wouldn't leak lol.. you can leak as a hansel.. mind blown