EE wars can kiss my ass

Discussion in 'Wars' started by hacked_account_FOFF_Devs, Feb 5, 2014.

  1. Dear KAW.....

    I am a proud fighter that has invested many hard earned dollars into my account to be competitive and enjoy the game. Myself and many others included have done the same.

    Season 1 EE was a blast. Other than some matching issues that were very minor, it was a fantastic season that most everyone I know enjoyed very much win or lose.

    Season 2 I couldn't even begin to give a fair analysis because I missed the entire season due to the UC/Zaft osw ( Great War!!! Truly enjoyed it).

    Season 3......

    What a cluster chuck!!!!!! I find I appalling that with all the time, effort, and money that this account has into that I have to be subjected to this stupid GH/SH crap. I have decent BFA, decent towers, and very good spies.

    There is literally no place for a hansel in EE war any more....

    There is basically no place for a medium build of any type in EE war any more!

    You have to be a large attack build, or one of those stupid  builds to be successful.

    So I now pledge to you KAW..... I pledge to not spend another DAMN RED CENT on your product.

    I will play. I will hit ebs. I will even have some fun farming ads. But as far as spending anymore money on the game to do the parts I love (wars. Of any kind). I say to you.....



    If you support this, please say so. If you don't.... Then u do not believe in fair and equal play in a simple minded tap tap game. Shame on you if u don't.

  2. Support fully I have no reason to war as my build isn't needed but little tiny **** builds are.
  3. Support ️
  4. Support 
  5. Right on DD. Season 1 I was a great warrior, season 3 I'm half worthless because I can't hit any attack builds in our matchups. But an account with no stats can be effective. What a waste of a Great War idea. Now I understand the eb fairies :)

  6. That's what you should stick with
  7. Honestly tho that build wasn't useful in season 1 either .... Not that I don't agree with u season 3 is a bad joke ...

    Season 2 wasn't much better ... Just took 11/15 man rosters for even stupid war commanders to learn proper ratios to stack clans with gh/sh ... Crap just hit the fan after that
  8. IMO GH and SH have no place warring with the big boys. Controversial? Perhaps! But for those that have spent years and their own hard earned money to build what is now a worthless account it is nothing less than criminal.

  9. 100% kaw isn't getting another penny from me
  10.  DD   
  11. Support
  12. Here here!
  13. Damn ampersand

    GH and SH should be given their own "mini wars" and not join in with the bigger accounts. It's not right that a person spends years and their own hard earned money growing a kingdom that has been rendered useless by trying to accommodate these small builds into EE wars. Get them out! Get them out now!! Or we will lose some great warriors who will just be too disillusioned to continue and that, dear devs, would be a major fail and shame on you for allowing such a travesty to happen 
  14. @ hiney. I did alright in season 1. I still have the equips to show it. Many friends with hansel builds also had great success. I think we can agree that hansels were at least productive
  15. @ Leno. I used to pay to play this game up to 10 minutes ago. If I am a consumer of a product that I am paying for, I have the right to utilize all aspects of said product.