Discussion in 'Wars' started by Whiskey_Throttle, Apr 26, 2013.

  1. Every clan requires 2 Xtals per war per player avg. Is 27 members warring and 40 clans and 12 war times a week thats 2x27x40x12= $$ and better updates that money is being used to better the game
  2. What's your point .. You act offended devs want to make money

  3. Wow, they want their business to make money? THOSE FIENDS.
  4. I spend way more than that on EB's 
  5. Dude the game pays us
    The game gives us xstals so we use them
  6. So much math was done there... I wish I could just put $$ signs on my tests at school.
  7. I don't mind spending money on this game, and that's because I love it, what gets me is the lack of support from the devs when something goes wrong....
  8. They are a business , don't know if you have noticed but we in a recession. I'm sure they have bills to pay and need the income so boosting their sales maybe gets them a pay rise or a nice bonus at the end if the year 

    If you own let's say a Phone shop! Business gets slow then boom, a brand new phone on the Market, you would want to put this new phone in your shop on your shelves so people can come see it/test it / use it / buy it! Same with every business. It's all about the Benjamins
  9. They gets all the money's. :lol: all!
  10. It's funny how OP has, 2x27x12... and then says = $$. lazy
  11. Oh noes! The devs are taking all our moneys! :eek:

    Where do you ******* think the money goes when you press ok 'Purchase Crystal Pack for £2.99,' the Salvation Army? Op return to high-school and finish
  12. No ****, Sherlock.
  13. Who would dare accuse a business of making money, you horrible people!

  14. Where did OP get these statistics from? o. O
  15. Im not complaining or upset im just tired of seeing people whining about war and they always want free xtals andv they want war xtals in game. All I have to say to those who dont understand that devs need money for you to play the game is... waah just play pay and have fun dont tell devs what to do if tou dont like it then dont play simple as that
  16. Lmao :lol: that's the point OP they have to make money some how :roll: stop complaining and do more quest 
  17. Grammar so horrible... IT BURNS .
  18. Gold mines arnt as profitable as you might think, I dug one in my back yard and I'm still broke