EE Warriors Who Are Receiving Equipment

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by wingra, May 29, 2013.

  1. So people who are getting this equipment for participating in the estoc wars, what if they reset??? Do they still receive the equipment??? So this new person who just reset have these powerful pieces of equipment allowing them to hit eb's that require a higher tier of buildings to hit, but these items will allow a person with tier 2 buildings (forges) allow them to do haunts/destroyer epic battles easy and earn their old builds back ASAP. If I'm
  2. I reset one of my accounts with the rancor spell, He lost it upon resetting.
    So no.
  3. They wouldnt get equip because when you reset you lose the spells u had cast

  4. You lose equipment when you reset.

    However from experience I saw that you did not lose spells you cast right before reset. Not sure what would happen to the Rancor spell. Theoretically you could reset now and keep the Rancor spell and then receive the equipment on the 31st.
  5. Yeah, you don't keep the rancor spell on a reset. ^
    Tried it.

    Else, we'd have level 50 owerpowerd 0 stat accounts :lol:
  6. Just curious but why would anyone reset any more? You gain nothing but a free name change and a badge if you do it it 5 times.

    You get no bonus, no ally slots, no more quests, no more equipment.

    Why would anyone other than statless alts that were made to crap talk on the forums and annoy other players bother to reset?
  7. You still get 50 ally slots for the first 4 resets to get you up to 450 slots. Then after 450 slots you have to purchase the next 100 to max out at 550 ally slots.
  8. dang there goes my chance of making a overpowered t2 guild hansel :lol:
    nice thoughts OP but ur questions has been answered above^^
  9. We could still have over powered accounts with big eq and no stats if thats what they want. Tearing downs as easy as building.
  10. And no.. No no.. No no. You don't get allie slots resetting first four. You get nothing but a worthless badge now.