EE War Matches

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -FaRm_TiL_OBLiViOn_MaCHiNE-, Dec 27, 2013.

  1. attention all EE clans if you stock your war roster with low level guild hansels i say this to you "grow a pair of balls and war like big boys and girls." Who else is tired of these terrible match ups that began at the beginning of the "chaos wars" i dont know if its because almost every clan is now setting up their rosters with GHs to lower their strength to get themselves a better match up or what, but these match ups are extremely one sided. This thread is meant to try to call attention to the flaws in your matching system.
  2. lol yes my clans matches **** way too hard
  3. I would suggest trying to put a stop to these "roster manipulations" by tightening hit restrictions forcing these small guild hansels to grow. Or look in to having your matching system look into types of rosters being signed up. Match the clans that are using this trick against each other.