EE war matches like to like please

Discussion in 'Wars' started by TAN_wazZU_GRA, Oct 8, 2014.

  1. It makes no sense to match up a clan full of spy's up against attack builds. Match up like to like please. Waring a clan full of Spy builds is Boring anyway. If I spend two plus hrs for an EE war I would like a decent matchup that isn't boring.

    That said KAW IS THE BEST GAME BAR NONE so keep it coming devs
  2. Bad match ups don't do anyone any good.

    Other thing to do is to Make every account have one attack or spy building. Or just get ride of build specific mechanics altogether.
  3. Great war, love the butt hurt 
  4. Constructive reply.
  5. Don't know why indy's went this way. Seems it's developed into a ps team against a tank team. Sucks to be you if you're on the P's team. I wish they would go back to the early indy matchups
  6. Indy wars haven't been to bad. They seem to load clans decently. Winning side always has a good WC and tracker.
    Clan EE wars are the ones that get stacked to exploit mechanics and lead to poor match ups.
  7. Bad matchups will happen, the devs don't make the matchups it is automated. I am sure that the devs will continue to refine the matchup algorithm but either way it will never be perfect.
  8. I see alot of this in indys ppl complainin about bein spy heavy. The spy heavy clan has the adv u Just gotta know how to use them
  9. It's wasn't even an indi war. It was a primal.
  10. If you are getting beat bh spies...maybe get some spies of your own?
  11. Primal Wars r strategy n tramwork n not stacked mech exploits. Lousy builds suffer when no bfe/bfa plain n simple.
  12. Just matched BG in primal war and they are 150m cs bigger. Thats like having 4-5 extra bigs on roster real fair dev...

    How is this not a NO MATCH? Or why didnt we match La and BG match DI? They are much closer in stats.
  13. Saber spy cs is weighted much heavier in primals I believe but 150m not the worst ive seen...
  14. OP I understand the frustration. I was on thec py team. But if it had been reversed your side would have easily done the same. Was a crap war win or lose but there will be plenty more chances to come. Keep casting and I'll see you on the field
  15. How hard is it to match cs to cs in primal wars? There is no other factors or variables. How do they get this match up system so wrong?

    There were 2-3 other clans who are close to cs as us and got a match with another huge clan 100-150m cs bigger than them. Why didnt we match the clan our size and the two big clans match?

    Oh ya devs dont know what they are doing...
  16. You don't even have to have a good wc or tracker for indi wars. Just have to have everyone fight smart with their builds
  17. I love the spy heavy clan, especially in classic or advantage