ee war dying - suggestion make it Alive

Discussion in 'Wars' started by oG-Zaiross, Nov 14, 2014.

  1. Ok now clan war is dying be it round war or primal war . Reason - reward suck.
    Let look into what we get for wining ee war
    - ee level ( after ee 5 most is tired to war )
    - mirth ( after s4 all player have more than they ask for

    For clan organizing the war and be top of lb clan. they don't get any reward.

    - let the ee war for wining clan drop gold crux.
    - give out building token pieces. Like 10 piece will have free upgrade

    - make more clan do war. So give lb clan in top 10 clan % increase in plunder so more clan will make effort organize more war as clan honor is in place and % increase in plunder for reward .

    Just my noob view ️
  2. Or, Reason: it's the offseason.
  3. I support...slightly, maybe top 2 plunderers in winning side get a building piece

    Sure it makes it harder but it also makes people more likely to xtal (if they dont already)

    And makes it more of a challenge to get these rare building tokens :D
  4. You just want to make it harder for a ps don't you? 
  5. Ps is the cowards build :p :twisted:

    Jk :p

    Nah I just dont think it's fair that someone could get double the score yet some poser gets the same rewards :D
  6. Ee is dying out as we said it would because clans became so selective ( unsurprisingly ) of both who they let in and type of build, that everyone lost all interest in EE.
    It was doomed to fail as soon as some players decided they were better than others and used it as an excuse to deliberately exclude people from wars.
    As soon as wars went from normal clans to clique friends clubs warring. Ee was doomed for the masses whilst a few prospered.

    Note this account was never set up for ee wars. So don't criticise the build.
    Just observations that many will recognise.
  7. Because of noobs like you who go SH
  8. This would be bad rather than good, people will plunder and not listen to wc.
  9. I think we wars are dying for a number of reasons.

    1st, obviously indy wars relieve ppl of the pressure of performing or building to a clan war's standards. Why go with a strong war build and spend money on xtals to do clan wars if you can always indy war and avoid xtaling/building more towers/listening to WC, etc.?

    2nd, due to indy wars the pool of players for clan wars has shrunk and this makes organizing clan wars harder for clans.

    3rd, primal wars make it more transparent how bad the mismatches occurring really are. In round wars it's harder to count up all the contributions from Bfa/bfe. Now ppl see how bad the matches are immediately and get discouraged from warring.

    4th, the incentive to war is greatly reduced when I can't use your war rewards in war. Why chase equipment you can't use or grow bfa you can't use?

    Granted, you can use your rewards outside of war in pvp but that aspect of the game has largely died aside from occasional 1v1 or the now all too common osw and b2b hte combo where pvp hitting remains rare except for strip attempts.

    5th, these silly eb events like the limb chase encourage ppl not to war, especially when hours are lost in doing a war for a 10 limb reward if you win.

    Will increasing we rewards help? Well, only if the rewards offered are actually worth something. Estoc's Edge is nice, but clearly isn't doing the job. Rewards that can be used in war is a double edged sword: it makes the winning clans stronger and eventually makes it impossible for new players or clans that are already losing to compete.

    So we are left with rewards that can be used outside of war. The suggestion from op was a golden Crux chest for a win. I think that's a fine idea.

    I might also add an automatic regen to full after a war has ended. If devs can do it going into a war, they can give full regens for ppl coming out of a war. This would make taking the time out to war less costly.

    Will this be enough? I doubt it.
  10. Don't let SH war or post in forums would fix the problem
  11. Would solve it for me. Thats why i stopped
  12. Note : Op is sh lol
  13. Amen
  14. And what about people in war not meant to plunder? PS are just as deserving of a building peice as a build meant to plunder!
  15. I don't disapprove of many of those ideas, building token might be a bit much.
  16. Hmmm a few of my thoughts on this...

    War xtals would be great or as an alternative any other kind of event or feature we could participate in to acquire Xtals without dishing out cash.

    Ee is the only aspect of kaw I still enjoy otherwise it's just boring and pointless. And I'm tired of spending money for this aspect to be available.

    More war times that aren't a huge hassle to make without compromising rl obligations and responsibilities, lmao especially after devs can change the rules and value of rewards part way through season after players have made decisions to make those rl sacrifices only to have their progress and rewards earned so far subsequently devalued.

    I agree more incentives are gonna be necessary. Everything that use to be exclusive to ee is pretty much available to everyone for $$$ now.

    Lol I realize how despairing I sound but meh for me ee wars is my kaw, and I'm over the struggles to try and still enjoy it.

    I expect the same problems and hassles next season. Unless more effort from devs is made to make ee more available and enjoyable to the community I'll be passing on next season ️
  17. The insane requirements of "pay money to war" has always been the downfall of EE. Many clans dont want to find a clan war outside of their current clan which are doing long 18 hour EBs. Plus the requirements the players put on EE, 2 xstals or be farmed, has been the discouragement to wars since they began.

    Return wars to 4 hour wars, and people might re-think about joining them again.

    Also, the ko system and tracker crap spamming cc is so annoying, people dont want to deal with it.
  18. That is the main reason people are turned away, from a simple war system that players can freely xtral at your leasure to gain a advantage as turned into a, you need to xtral to war here, not done by devs but players. People don't want to risk real money for a chance to win in ee for low reward.
  19. EE has been in decline for a long time now. Completely ignored, no improvements made. The rewards now are the same as they were in Season1(Stagnant). All efforts are pumped in eb events as they make the devs their money. EE not so much. Does level 5 EE even make up for the plunder lost compared to hfbc towerless build?

    Gold incentives would help. Golden crux like you mentioned and maybe a decent gold payout for winning x amount of wars in a certain time frame. I disagree with the build token suggestion. Only a small pool of players ee and lots of them only war to renew ee. If it keeps going the way it's going ee could be completely finished in 6months.

    I can't see anything changing. New lands/upgrades soon and Season5 will start a week or 2 after that in typical fashion.
  20. You guys got some ok ideas.

    But here's one that matters- bring back Veil of Evasion. Please.
    Oh, you don't want to war? Cast the damn spell.
    Oh, you didn't want to war, forgot to cast the spell, and didn't check KaW for 3hrs?
    I wonder if your allies gold and pots are still yours.
    Think of the joys. Sure there'd be tears, there'd be rage, saw plenty way back then.
    And that **** is funny. Everytime.

    As for plunder bonus, EE5 is easy to get and keep. Just ask all the ally stashing
    sneaky lil' sh's that you see in war, every week. Wait, no! SHOCKER!: That's ROUND/PRIMALS ONLY!
    The real achievement is the super bad mofo's that have EE4/EE5 from I-WARS ONLY.
    I feel like there is a big difference between winning 5 or more round/primal wars and 5 or more Indi wars.
    Its an outrage. Omar 41/41 scout perm 0'd.
    Second **** storm, **** your precious eb plunder. Yep. Give me my damn plunder bonus FOR PVP.
    Really? Im saying that right now? Jan, 2015. PvP canned for fancy 100nob sacks that sucks the fairies into super active tap tap mode like a blue lighted bug zapper in Summer.

    %1000 BONUS TO EB PLUNDER!!!!


    KaW, give me back my damn Sword, give me a PvP bonus, be it from EE, the Sword, Astrowutever.
    Give the iWar max-buff holders something better/different than the Primal/Round war max-buff holders. Give me back my damn beer. I want Saturday morning cartoons back on CBS, NBC, and ABC.

    KaW, until my demands are met, and these complaints addressed, and Barry gets his old name back, there is no CF being considered.
